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Weekly Horoscope (5th December to 11th December 2021)

Weekly Horoscope (5th December to 11th December 2021)

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Our Weekly Horoscope is the most accurate weekly horoscope available online. The Accurate Weekly Horoscope has been written by experts with years of practical experience behind.

(Mar 21st-Apr 19th)

The first sign that something is out of balance comes from inside. Keep your eyes peeled. Someone could be taking advantage of your kindness, or not playing by the rules when it comes to work and money. When it comes to work interactions, read between the lines. A part of you may feel restless and agitated, and it’s a good idea to expend that energy by going for a fast walk or doing some rigorous healing. On the health front, keep an eye out for overdoing it. You may feel as if you aren’t getting enough affection and attention in your personal life. One piece of advice: don’t expect others to be able to read your thinking. Consider what you require.


(20th April – 20th May )

A new concept is forming, or a new way of life is becoming more appealing. You’ve said your goodbyes to old ways of working and thinking and are ready to try new things. Work goes well as long as you go outside the box and give your employees a lot more creative leeway. Expect quick gains, but keep in mind that good times don’t last. Normal is dull, so you’ll do everything you can to spice things up, even in your relationships. Engagements and even the potential of childbirth are favoured by the cards. Just don’t be shy about expressing your affections for someone; you never know who you’ll make happy!


(21st May – 20th June )

Whatever you’re worrying about isn’t going to happen. It’s time to use reasoning and, if necessary, a trustworthy advisor to work through your fears and anxieties. Sleep patterns may become erratic, and the solution may be found in your everyday routine. Something has to change, and someone has to go. Work affairs continue to trudge along, but a part of you may be itching to get out of it all and try something new. Before you make any decisions, remember that what appears to be excellent on the surface may not be true. Good news arrives from family and friends. A trip has been planned, and it could be exactly what you need. Health-related issues are improving.


(21st June – 22nd July )

At work and in your personal life, alliances, cooperation, and partnerships are highlighted. Expect a week of brainstorming and some innovative new strategies. However, a part of you may still believe that there is something better out there, or that something else must be done. Introspection will provide you with the answers and the realisation that everything is proceeding according to plan according to the Universe. When it comes to money, be patient; there are no get-rich-quick schemes, and while things may take longer than expected, long-term gains are guaranteed.

(23rd July – 22nd Aug)

Strife that is only temporary. Just because things aren’t going your way right now doesn’t guarantee they will for the rest of your life. Take a few deep breaths and try to stay calm. The tide will turn, but you must first learn to be patient. A supervisor or a coworker may act or react in an unreasonable manner. It’s possible that someone will take credit for your efforts. In the face of any injustice, speak up and speak out. Spirituality and meditation can help you relax and unwind. On the home front, a long-standing financial issue appears to be nearing resolution.

(23rd Aug- 22nd Sept)

When you shift your perspective and adopt an optimistic outlook, things improve. You’re about to take some significant steps and make significant changes in your life. You’ve done your homework and are on the verge of overcoming your worries. Continue to move forward, seek help if necessary, but trust your own better judgement. You remove the blinders in your interactions and see people for who they truly are. Because your energy levels may fluctuate, make sure you’re getting enough rest to avoid burnout.

(23rd Sept- 22nd Oct)

This week, you will be surrounded by beauty in every manner. You may opt to give your home a facelift or renovate and enhance it. Alternatively, you may pick up painting or dancing again. You’re at the top of your game in terms of creativity. And you might be irresistible to others. Something has to come to a close. It may be your present employer’s sabbatical. Or maybe you’re having an affair in your personal life. Whatever it is, it was fun while it lasted, but it’s time to move on to pastures newer. It’s been a wonderful week for laying out future plans and objectives. You can achieve everything you set your mind to.

(23rd Oct- 21st Nov)

Whatever occurs, maintain your composure. This month, stress levels are likely to rise, particularly at work. Tempers may flare, and a simple remark could turn into a full-fledged brawl. Before you erupt, take a step back. Someone you believed you could rely on turns out to be a liar. During this time, avoid borrowing or lending money. Also, if you were planned a vacation, you may need to change your arrangements. If you’ve been battling with a problem for a long time, seek help from a reliable source.

(22nd Nov- 21st Dec)

Don’t give up and don’t give in. Someone may be attempting to exert influence over you or persuade you to change your mind. It could be a close relative or a superior. Sweeping issues under the rug does not imply that a solution has been discovered. Face your problems head on and decide to resolve them once and for all. This is an excellent week to reorganise, and you could be able to solve a mystery or uncover the source of a problem thanks to your bright thinking. Relationships run smoothly when everyone has a say and has more freedom.

(22nd Dec- 19th Jan)

After a period of misunderstanding, there is now clarity. As a problem is resolved, exhale a sigh of relief. Feel free when you discover the truth about a problem. The cards guarantee that you will be free of something that has been bothering you in the past. This is an excellent moment to roll up your sleeves and complete any outstanding tasks or duties. It may appear to be an interminable chore at first, but once you get started, things will go quickly. A long-lost friend may come to you for advice. A social gathering or party can help you re-energize and recall that, at the end of the day, it’s our loved ones who really, truly matter. As long as you remain mindful, your health will remain stable.

(20th Jan – 18th Feb)

You’re exhausted, and it’s starting to show. Could it be that you’re doing the same old thing every day, or that you’ve allowed your own self to get stagnant? You’re in desperate need of a break. Rest, recover, and refuel your batteries. If you haven’t been able to solve a problem, it may be time to examine your own constraints and see what you can do to improve from inside. Stop letting others take you for granted, and if necessary, put some distance between yourself and them. To increase energy levels, focus on eating nutritionally balanced meals.

(19th Feb – 20th March)

It’s time to make a choice. Use logic and facts to your advantage. In the event of a misunderstanding or a disagreement, find out the complete truth and evaluate where you went wrong. Try not to be too harsh on your coworkers or pals; they’re people, too, and they’re dealing with their own problems. Delays are common in judicial processes and debt collection. Be prepared to wait. Also, take use of this time to conduct research, analysis, and fact-checking. It’s possible that a nice, diplomatic admirer may approach you shortly. Friendships formed during this stage are likely to be long-lasting and anything but dull.