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Weekly Horoscope (9th August to 15th August 2021)

Weekly Horoscope (9th August to 15th August 2021)

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Our Weekly Horoscope is the most accurate weekly horoscope available online. The Accurate Weekly Horoscope has been written by experts with years of practical experience behind.

(Mar 21st-Apr 19th)

If you’ve made it this far, you know you’ll be able to handle the rest of the week’s highs and lows. Nothing is about to come to an end just yet. There’s still plenty of churning to be done. And if you’ve been in denial about a few things or convinced yourself that the symptoms will go away, they might not. You might discover new interests, new people, and new points of view that are energising, upbeat, and tranquil.


(20th April – 20th May )

Hidden factors indicate that it is time to make a change, but you must first be willing to let go of the old and predictable. A part of you yearns for a new job, location, or industry, but you’re afraid you’re not prepared for the dangers. With the assistance of an advisor, confusion can be replaced by clarity. Determine what you want and what you don’t want, then take steps in that direction. Money issues may require attention, particularly when it comes to forms and paperwork; get it done and out of the way before the stress levels rise.


(21st May – 20th June )

Emerging influences indicate that now is the time to reach out, network, form allies, and collaborate with people from the past. It’s possible that a new relationship is just getting started. You might be introduced to profitable new ideas. Read as much as you can to stay up to date on current events. Sleep patterns may become erratic, so stick to a schedule as much as possible. For the time being, a little distance in a relationship can be beneficial to all parties involved.


(21st June – 22nd July )

Despite the fact that you will confront professional challenges, you will understand that you have the strength to conquer any obstacle that arises. Someone you believed you could trust may betray you, but you’ll learn something worthwhile in the process. A part of you may desire to take a chance, but your cautious inner voice may prevent you from doing so. You understand that substantial changes, whether in your career or in your product line, are the only way to acquire a competitive advantage. Take a chance. Money matters are in order, but it is prudent to consider long-term goals.

(23rd July – 22nd Aug)

It’s all about finding the right balance, Leo. And you might have been going a little too far recently. Moderate your activities and maintain a sense of equilibrium in your life. In the long run, too much or too little of a good item may be harmful to your health. Remember to schedule time for play if there is too much work. And don’t forget about the deadlines if you’re playing too much. The trick is to maintain a sense of equilibrium. In your personal connections, a gentler approach may be required; some people are simply more sensitive than others. Alternative treatments may be required in some cases.

(23rd Aug- 22nd Sept)

Your health may be harmed if you spend too much time in front of the screen. It’s possible that your energy are dispersed, and you’ll need to improve your time management skills. Make an effort to keep focused on the work at hand and obtain proper rest. If you stay consistent, whatever changes you make to your diet or lifestyle in the coming days will pay off in the long run. The cards promise results, but only if you prune and replan first.

(23rd Sept- 22nd Oct)

You may have reached a point of inaction, and it’s time to rethink your priorities and make a constructive shift. You recognise that change can only come from inside. Blaming people or expecting them to change will only increase your pain and frustration. Taking care of your inner self. This is an excellent week to talk to the important people in your life. Your suggestions will be taken into consideration, and beneficial improvements may result. But first, figure out exactly what you want and how you’ll communicate it.

(23rd Oct- 21st Nov)

The coming week promises to be a time of regeneration and rejuvenation. What aspects of your life would you change right now? Makeovers, like taking a few measured risks, produce the intended results. Professionally, you may be presented with an opportunity that appears to be a risk at first or is completely different from what you are used to. Open your mind to new ideas and see if you’re ready to move on to the next chapter of your life. You must first believe in yourself and avoid becoming paralysed by doubt.

(22nd Nov- 21st Dec)

Good things finally come your way after a long wait. In recent weeks, you may have learned a useful life lesson about others or suffered with a problem. It’s all behind us now. Things are starting to look up. And you might find yourself reverting to your old charming self, attracting new acquaintances and possibilities. Avoid impulsive spending. An old buddy may contact you for a favour and a long and pleasant conversation. Bring the laughter back.

(22nd Dec- 19th Jan)

Hidden influences indicate a sense of powerlessness in the face of a powerful system, organisation, or individual. On one day, you may appear energised and assertive, but on another, you may appear weak. You may be overburdened by rules, regulations, or laws in some way, and the cards warn you that a cold, calculated guy in power may be exploiting you for his own gain. There will be no more procrastination or self-pity. Prepare to wait if you move in a specific direction.

(20th Jan – 18th Feb)

A transitory period in which you may feel as if you have no one in whom you can confide. It’s a question of who you can trust, and this may be isolating you further. Reach out, Aquarian, and understand that this is just a phase. There is the possibility of greater peace and harmony in your relationships, but you may have to take the initiative. An old concept regenerates itself, or a project you forgot about reappears. You may need to make a few decisions that will change your life for the better.

(19th Feb – 20th March)

Bring out your inner explorer. Keep an eye out for ways to diversify your portfolio into emerging markets. Also, if you suffer from allergies, keep this in mind. Connecting with a fresh group of people might help you see things from a different viewpoint and question your beliefs. It’s been a terrific week for learning new things and venturing into uncharted territory. Students and those studying for competitive examinations should have a wonderful week because their minds are keen and clear.