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Weekly Horoscope (9th January to 15th January 2022)

Weekly Horoscope (9th January to 15th January 2022)

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Our Weekly Horoscope is the most accurate weekly horoscope available online. The Accurate Weekly Horoscope has been written by experts with years of practical experience behind.

(Mar 21st-Apr 19th)

Temporary roadblocks exist merely to remind you to keep moving forward. Situations and plans may alter abruptly, and while there may be brief periods of tension, the end result appears to be favourable. The cards encourage you to be a little more generous with time spent with loved ones by using humour to help relieve tensions in a relationship. Allow yourself to be open to new options as they emerge. What’s stopping you from chasing an old ambition once more?


(20th April – 20th May )

Some situations are worth preserving, particularly if there have been recent problems. As you try to focus on repairing a nagging problem or a relationship that is beginning to exhibit signs of separation or disharmony, problem resolution takes centre stage. To obtain a better understanding of a problem, put yourself in the shoes of the other person. Don’t forget to look for your health while you’re busy fixing and tidying. Patience is taught in legal and financial concerns, so hang in there and keep your hopes up.


(21st May – 20th June )

What are the things you need to let go of? The cards encourage you to look past disappointments and view things for what they are, rather than what you wish they were. A surprising surprise replaces the temporary worry. It’s time for an honest expression of feelings in partnerships, and in the process, bonds are reinforced. A toxic relationship is broken once and for all. Surprising developments at work may cause dissatisfaction. Someone’s obnoxious behaviour may necessitate a different approach. As you get control of your finances and paperwork, things will begin to fall into place. Always keep your health in mind.


(21st June – 22nd July )

Take some time for yourself. A few moments of reflection and long-term planning. Property, institution, and organization-related issues must be handled with a level head and the relevant papers. An authority figure’s or consultant’s counsel can assist relieve stress and provide a clear path forward. As long as the broader interest is seen over personal gain, a period of more responsibility and progress begins in the workplace. A woman in her family or group of friends requires encouragement and direction. Kindness draws you closer together.

(23rd July – 22nd Aug)

Relax. Some things are out of your hands. Take a step back and examine the situation critically. If you’re in a jam, ask for help, and you can get a pleasant surprise when someone shows loyalty. Your father’s experience comes in handy. Your dedication at work gains you the respect and love of your coworkers. Middle-aged Leos must pay heed to their physiological cues and make lifestyle modifications. Businesses, particularly in work relationships and responsibilities, require a more mature approach. A long-lost acquaintance or loved one may resurface to deliver some exciting news. Meditation and reflection can help you find the answers you’re looking for.

(23rd Aug- 22nd Sept)

Keep an eye on your step. A pleasant chat could quickly devolve into a dispute. The energies are still a touch shaky, particularly in interpersonal interactions. You may be needed to make a split-second judgement or think on your feet. Concentrate on progress rather than perfection. If you’re sick, you’ll see some improvement, but it’ll be slow. With the team, a thoughtful attitude to communication will go a long way. Although your financial situation is under control, a part of you will still be yearning for more.

(23rd Sept- 22nd Oct)

Logic, inquiry, and analysis. Make decisions based on facts rather than emotions. Particularly in terms of profit, loss, and expenditure, numbers demand extra attention. Don’t pay attention to your detractors; they have no idea how hard you’ve fought to reach to this point. Simply keep going forward. A project that has been dormant for some time may reemerge. If you’re single, expect a period of attracting a few suitors in your life. If you’re married, expect a period of drawing a few suitors in your life.

(23rd Oct- 21st Nov)

Take precautions. A pleasant discussion could quickly devolve into a dispute. Particularly in interpersonal connections, energies are still a little erratic. You might be forced to make a split-second decision or think on your feet. Rather than focusing on perfection, try to focus on development. If you’re sick, you’ll see a slow improvement. The team will benefit much from a careful approach to communication. Money things are under control, but there will always be a part of you that wishes for more.

(22nd Nov- 21st Dec)

Prepare to be patient with delays, and remember that the more you protest, the longer you’ll have to wait. It will take time for you to recover. And you might not get all of the answers you’re looking for right away. Don’t be swayed by the tenacity or indifference of others. They deal with ambiguity in this manner. Allow time to pass, and this, too, will pass. Job hunters may have to wait a little longer for a definitive response. The cards advise you to take it calm and steady when it comes to issues of the heart, rather than getting carried away with early feeling and attraction. Make the most of your quiet time by learning a new skill or improving your hobbies.

(22nd Dec- 19th Jan)

It’s time to be tolerant of others’ differences. You can’t expect everyone to think the same way you do, and expecting them to answer right away will just frustrate you. Hidden energies signify a period of transition and change. You’ll know when it’s time to change jobs, locations, careers, or even your relationship status if you’re aware of the intricacies. Young children are brought to the fore, or the seeds of a fresh creative concept are sown. Keep an eye on your spending habits, particularly when it comes to mobile technology and electronic equipment. Some items may simply not be worth the cost or effort.

(20th Jan – 18th Feb)

The importance of loving relationships is emphasised. It’s possible that you’ll fall in love with someone new. Learning to accept and love oneself, or simply expressing your feelings. Whatever it is, the Universe offers you well-wishers, and now is the moment to recognise your uniqueness. Set some limits with those who may take far more than is necessary, or perhaps take your generosity for granted. Expect reworks and even a strategy rewrite at work. Too many cooks could spoil the broth, so enlist the help and advice of crucial people and be ready for last-minute alterations.

(19th Feb – 20th March)

Take command. You possess the power and fortitude to overcome any challenge. This is a wonderful time to start rethinking your goals and become more organised in terms of planning and paperwork. A mentor or teacher can provide invaluable advice at just the right time. Family members come forward to express their love and support, as well as to remind you of your heritage. It’s been a fantastic week for getting organised and getting ready for the months ahead. Keep an eye out for overeating. It’s possible that too much of a good thing isn’t so good after all.