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Know these 3 Worst Foods for Your Immunity

Know these 3 Worst Foods for Your Immunity

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In the era of COVID-19, it is critical that we pay close attention to our immunity.

A strong immune system not only keeps the body from becoming ill, but it also helps the body fight viruses if it does become ill. While you may be working hard to boost your immunity, certain foods can unwittingly impair your immune function. Here are some items to avoid if you want to preserve your immunity at its peak.

Oily Foods

If you enjoy fried foods, it is time to minimise your intake of oily foods. Deep-fried foods are high in grease and fat and are known to lower immunity. To satisfy your appetites, choose roasted, sautéed, baked, or air-fried items over deep-fried ones.


Occasional drinking may not be harmful to the body, but if you are a chronic drinker who consumes alcohol on a daily or weekly basis, you should be aware that your favourite glass of liquor is lowering your immunity. Regular alcohol intake can have an impact not just on immunity but also on sleep, weight, liver function, and even the heart.

White Sugar

If you have a sweet tooth, you are in for a treat. White sugar, often known as refined sugar, is considered the worst food for your immune system.

White sugar is abundant in foods such as candies, sodas,  chocolates, cakes, doughnuts, biscuits, and other desserts. Hidden sugar can be found in foods such as tomato ketchup, fruit juices, cereals, bread, and pasta.

To begin, consider eliminating white sugar from your diet and replacing it with healthier alternatives such as jagger, honey, coconut sugar, maple syrup, and so on. All of these products have about the same number of calories as white sugar but are far healthier.