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Yogi Adityanath Horoscope Analysis: Kundli, Birth Chart, Zodiac Sign, and Political Career

Yogi Adityanath Horoscope Analysis: Kundli, Birth Chart, Zodiac Sign, and Political Career

Yogi Adityanath Birth Details

Horoscope Chart 

Yogi Adityanath Birth Chart

Planetary Combinations

Mars, the Lord of the Moon Sign and also a Yogakaraka, is in the 10th house. The new government’s strength and power are demonstrated by Mars. Despite numerous barriers and obstacles in the way, the Yogi Adityanath government would be determined to carry out its mission. The Lord of the 7th house, Saturn, is in the 6th house (house of enemies), indicating that the opposition parties would band together to fight the Yogi Adityanath Government’s policies, making it a monumental effort for the Yogi Adityanath Government to avoid controversies.

The Ascendant and Moon are both afflicted by Mars, indicating that the ministry of the home and public health will be the main focus. The Yogi Adityanath government would take concrete steps to address the state’s law and order situation. To improve the image of police and other law enforcement institutions, considerable reforms and administrative initiatives will be implemented. The forceful measures, on the other hand, may elicit criticism and condemnation from diverse segments of society.

Rahu in the second house implies that Yogi Adityanath’s government would concentrate on taxation and revenue collection, as well as enacting some stringent financial measures to meet the demands of the state. However, it suggests that the Yogi Adityanath government may encounter financial difficulties and may have to rely largely on the backing of the federal government. The Oath chart also shows that the Yogi Adityanath administration will prioritise women’s empowerment, social welfare programmes, and infrastructure development.

Astrological Highlights

Yogi Adityanath, also known as Maharaj ji, was born Ajay Singh Bisht in Panchur, Pauri Gharwal, Uttarakhand. He was born at 12:00 a.m. on Monday, June 5, 1972. However, the precise date of his birth is unknown. He was dubbed Yogi Adityanath under the mentorship and inspiration of Late Mahant Avaidyanath. Not only did his new name provide him prominence, but it also gave him a name. His horoscope clearly shows that he was born to be an ascetic. According to Vedic astrology, an ascetic is born only when Saturn conjuncts the Moon.

Another well-known combination is that of the Moon and Mars in an ascetic’s Navamsha. It’s also affected by the Sun’s retrograde motion. He was born during a Navamsha in which the Moon creates a classic conjunction with the planet Mars, according to the research. The native will develop his own identity and live in an ashram because Saturn, Sun, and Mercury are all in the 12th house. Venus is seen as a favourable planet by Gemini ascendants. Because of its location in the first house, it establishes a mutual aspect relationship with Jupiter. In his horoscope, the 5th Lord and the 10th Lord have a shared aspect, which provides him a good chance of mastering Raj yoga.

Jupiter is in Yogi Adityanath’s 7th house, creating a strong Hansa Yoga in his horoscope. You can see how significant alignments are in politics by looking at his horoscope. They are the first factor to consider when it comes to political success. There is a shubh Yoga in his natal chart that ensures power and security. To be effective as a politician, he or she must have a strong 3rd and 6th house, both of which are closely related to the 10th Lord.