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These 5 Zodiac Signs are Most Likely to Cheat | Check this before Your Date them

These 5 Zodiac Signs are Most Likely to Cheat | Check this before Your Date them

Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you’re thinking about which zodiac signs are most likely to cheat, chances are you’re thinking one of the five given below. The truth is that every zodiac sign has its fair share of cheaters. However, some zodiac signs are more prone to cheat than others, and some would go to great lengths to avoid being detected. Here’s a list of the zodiac’s five most unfaithful signs.


Top 5 Zodiacs that can cheat



Mars, the planet of action, violence, and sexuality, rules fiery Aries. As a result, they have a strong sex drive as well as a proclivity to become bored rapidly. Any zodiac sign that can’t keep up with Aries’ quick pace is likely to lose interest.

It’s worth noting, though, that Aries is one of the zodiac signs most prone to cheat without even realizing it. Aries is more inclined to have one-night stands than long-term relationships.

Aries is most likely to cheat on the zodiac signs Taurus and Cancer.


It should come as no surprise that Gemini is the sign most prone to cheat out of all the zodiac signs. After all, they are represented by the twins’ dualism, therefore there are at least two sides to their personality to be mindful of.

To be happy, Geminis require diversity, independence, and flexibility in their life. Gemini has an insatiable desire for stimulation and is quickly bored in partnerships.

A sign like Pisces or Sagittarius is most likely to cheat on Gemini.


Libra, as a Venus-ruled sign, is the epitome of romance and is obsessed with relationships.  Balance is crucial to them, and having a good connection is an important element of that. If a Libra cheats, it’s because they’re looking for something they’re not getting from their relationship partner. They’ll feel terrible about cheating, but in order to keep the peace, they’ll do everything they can to keep it hidden from you.

Libra would be most likely to cheat with Aquarius as their zodiac sign.


“In reality, Scorpio is one of the most faithful of all the zodiac signs; nevertheless, if they cheat, they will most likely cover it.” Despite the fact that there is never a legitimate reason to cheat, a typical devoted Scorpio will do so owing to deep emotional traumas or estrangement. With Scorpio, sex plays a huge role in strengthening a connection, so if this aspect of their present partnership isn’t working, they may want to go elsewhere.

Leo is a sign that they’d most likely cheat on.


Neptune, the planet of dream and illusion, rules Pisces, therefore they may have exaggerated expectations in terms of love and romance. They are more prone to cheat in a relationship if they are readily persuaded by other possibilities, especially those that are provided to them.

Cheating does not bring joy to Pisces. If they are dissatisfied with their existing position, they are more likely to give in to their fantasies and become involved in an affair. They will want to avoid conflict as much as possible because they dislike it. The good news is that cheating isn’t in their blood.

Aquarius is a zodiac sign that they are most likely to cheat on.

You don’t need to be concerned if you’re dating one of the aforementioned “zodiac signs.” Just though they’ve been accused of cheating in the past doesn’t indicate they’ll do it again. There are numerous more aspects that influence whether or not someone will cheat. When it comes to astrology, certain people’s birth charts may have other elements that can potentially counterbalance the Sun sign’s cheater influence. However, at the end of the day, anyone may cheat.