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4 Zodiac Signs Who Are Ignored in Their Friend Circle

4 Zodiac Signs Who Are Ignored in Their Friend Circle

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Do you occasionally encounter people who initially appear friendly but then lose interest? Being interrupted or ignored can be extremely unpleasant and discouraging, particularly if it occurs regularly. For instance, it may take weeks or months until your friends quit answering your calls or claim to be occupied.

Some zodiac signs are commonly misinterpreted and looked down upon in terms of friendships.

Here are four zodiac signs who are frequently ignored by their friends.

1. Pisces

Pisces is typically more aggressive in its approach. They merely need to be informed that some individuals take privacy extremely seriously, as poking is inherent to their nature and may not be to everyone’s liking. They are excluded from the friend group because they occasionally disregard the personal space of others.

2. Taurus

Once Taurus is within their comfort zone, they tend to easily exclude others. Because they are a fixed sign, they are perceived to be highly stubborn and set in their ways. In addition, they are usually neglected by group members due to their penchant for sluggishness and cancelling plans and friends.

3. Cancer

Cancers are attachment-prone. They have a reputation for being exceedingly kind and clingy. Therefore, when they phone their friends regularly, those friends eventually grow tired of the constant texts and calls and prefer to ignore their calls.  

4. Libra

Due to their tendency to overthink, Libras will delay completing a task until they have forgotten about it, even if it entails recalling plans made with others. This trait of theirs frequently prevents them from maintaining friendships and makes them undesired in social circles. Because they are easily misled, they are usually taken advantage of by others and ignored when unnecessary.