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Anuradha Nakshatra: Personality Traits of People Born During Anuradha Nakshatra

Anuradha Nakshatra: Personality Traits of People Born During Anuradha Nakshatra

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Anuradha Nakshatra rules the cosmic heaven with harmony, honor, and balance. The nakshatra is governed by the mighty Lord of the rings and extends its realm of Scorpio. Anuradha Nakshatra gets its strength from the ruling Lord – Mitra. It is needless to say that Anuradha Nakshatra showcases traits like glee, sociability, and energy. The natives have a very sharp focus and they believe in peaceful interaction. 

Anuradha Nakshatra in Astrology 

Anuradha nakshatra rasi is Scorpio. It’s a fragile nakshatra and the Shakti power offers wealth. 

The Anuradha Nakshatra houses three stars namely Beta, Delta, & Pi. When night sets in, the three stars are clearly visible in a straight line right above the Antares (the red star). Mitra, the ruling lord, blesses the natives with a true gift of developing long-lasting and meaningful relationships. This nakshatra is associated with success, fame, reputation, recognition, and collaboration. It supports traveling to foreign lands. 

  1. Natives born under this particular nakshatra endorse humanity and cooperation. 
  2. They are capable of organizing and also leading large gatherings and groups.
  3. There is a hint of melancholy and frustration within these people. 

The symbol of the Anuradha Nakshatra is a lotus flower. It basically signifies persistence and also the ability to blossom in a mucky pond. 

Characteristics of Anuradha Nakshatra Male 

The natives of this nakshatra are handsome and have very bright eyes. They might have a cruel outlook due to the combination of certain planets. 

The male natives have a special attitude as they deal with problems efficiently. You might find that these natives lack a peaceful mind and may have a depressed look on their faces. Vindictiveness is expected from these males. Despite all the shortcomings, the natives will be hardworking and they will do all the tasks with full dedication. 

Career of Anuradha Nakshatra Male 

The natives will succeed in business and they also know how to please the boss. They start earning at an early age like 17-19. There will be problems from the age of 17 to 48 years though. However, once they cross 48, their lives will be blooming. During this time, the natives will settle down and life will be free of miseries. 

Family life of Anuradha Nakshatra Male 

The natives will not get any financial benefit from their fathers. It is possible that the natives and their father will have friction time and again. Also, the natives might not get the love they deserve from the mother as well. 

However, the married life of these natives will be blissful. They will be satisfied with their partner. The wife will be a good housewife and will take good care of the children and everyone else in the family. 

Health of Anuradha Nakshatra Male 

The health of an Anuradha Nakshatra male will be very good. However, there will be minor issues like cough and cold, sore throat, constipation, and dental concerns. The careless nature of the natives might be troublesome because they will develop a tendency to forget taking their medicines on time. 

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Characteristics of Anuradha Nakshatra Female 

The female natives of this particular nakshatra have a doll-like and innocent look. They have a beautiful waistline which can attract a lot of male attention. 

Arrogance is something they don’t like because they are pure-hearted. The natives are selfless, attractive, and agreeable. They have the power to shine in political and social fields. Elders and friends will always receive respect and gratitude from these ladies. 

Career of Anuradha Nakshatra Female

Female natives have a lot of love for art and music. They might also get a degree in music and dance. Dance and music seem to be a good career path for these women. 

Family life of Anuradha Nakshatra Female 

They are devoted to their family and husband. In fact, the female natives will be excellent mothers and will never leave their children. Moreover, these women will be very close to their in-laws as well. 

Health of Anuradha Nakshatra Female 

The female native will suffer from irregular periods and severe pain. Headaches and nasal issues are also possible. 

4 Padas of Anuradha Nakshatra 

Pada 1: The first Pada falls in Leo Navamsa. The natives need to control their pride and focus more on positive thinking during this phase. They have intense energy which comes from Mars, Ketu, Sun, and Jupiter. 

Pada 2: The second pada falls in the Virgo Navamsa. The focus should be on discipline, learning, and group activities. The robust planets are Mercury and Rahu. 

Pada 3: It falls in the Libra Navamsa. The focus is on exotic sciences, arts, and music. The natives have an amiable nature and the strong planets are Venus and Saturn. 

Pada 4: The fourth pada falls in the Scorpio Navamsa. During this phase, the natives will have a lot of energy which must get channeled in a positive way. 

Anuradha Nakshatra Horoscope Prospects in 2021 

Anuradha Nakshatra 2021 predictions will give you a sneak peek on how the year will be. 

The beginning of 2021 will bring good health. From February onwards, the partner of this particular Nakshatra native will be helpful. A beautiful journey is set to start. Indulge in auspicious work post August as it will be fruitful. On the health front, the natives might experience cervical pain in case they are not careful. 

Natives should give themselves priority after September. The year is special because students will get good results in competitive exams and studies. There is a possibility of higher education in a foreign land. 

Natives who have been wanting to go abroad will not get a chance to shine. Since there is a shadow of Saturn on the fifth house, the natives need to work hard on their relationships. With Rahu in 7th house and Ketu being in 1st, be careful about what you are eating. 

Anuradha Nakshatra Facts 

Lord: Saturn

Translation: Spark, success, and lightening 

Symbol: Lotus, archway 

Controlling planet: Saturn 

Deity: Mitra 

Gunas: Tamasic 

Dosha: Pitta 

Element: Fire Color: Red-brown

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