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Baby Names as Per Astrology | Jumpstart the Journey with Luck & Blessings

Baby Names as Per Astrology | Jumpstart the Journey with Luck & Blessings

Before naming their child, some parents generally seek the advice of an astrologer.

It is said that naming a child after his or her sun sign, or rashi, will bring good luck.

Each sun sign has its own alphabet and phrases that are considered suitable for naming a child.

Here are some specifics about the many personality traits linked with each sign, as well as the syllables that correspond to them.

Aries (Mesha)

Those born under the sign of Aries are known for their confidence, independence, aggressiveness, and idealism. They are thought to be competitive, goal-oriented, and committed to their beliefs.

For newborns born under this sign, names that begin with the letters A, L, or the word Ch are considered lucky.

Check out :- List of Baby Names under the Sign of Aries   

Taurus (Vrishabha)

Stubbornness, loyalty, and dedication are prominent Taurean personality traits. They are thought to be highly nice, caring, and trustworthy people.

The letters I, U, E, O, Wa, We, Wi, and Wo are thought to bring good fortune to anyone born under this sign.

Check out :- List of Baby Names under the Sign of Taurus

Gemini (Mithuna)

The Gemini sun sign is connected with intelligence, ambition, and wit. Those born under this sign have the ability to adjust to any situation swiftly. They are people who are charming, articulate, and charismatic.

According to astrology, you should name your Gemini baby something that starts with A, H, Gh, Ka, Ke, or Ko.

Check out :- List of Baby Names under the Sign of Gemini

Cancer (Karka)

Emotional, sensitive, nurturing, and sympathetic are just a few of the characteristics associated with the Cancer zodiac sign.  Because of their heightened sensitivity, those born under this sun sign are thought to be particularly artistic.

For babies born under this sign, names beginning with Da, De, Do, He, Hi, Ho, and Hu are seen to be acceptable.

Check out :- List of Baby Names under the Sign of Cancer

Leo (Singha)

Those born under the Leo sun sign are kind and warm-hearted, and they are fiercely protective of those close to them. They are also thought to have a strong creative streak. Because of their ardent and enthusiastic attitude, they may be quite temperamental.

For your Leo baby, try names that begin with Ma, Me, Mo, Ta, Te, or To.

Check out :- List of Baby Names under the Sign of Leo

Virgo (Kanya)

Virgos are thought to be calm, level-headed people. They are not prone to rash decisions and carefully consider the repercussions before taking a risk. Virgos have a strong mind, is practical and meticulous, as well as humble and shy.

Pa, Pe, Po, Sh, Ta, and Th are the syllables for Virgo names.

Check out :- List of Baby Names under the Sign of Virgo

Libra (Tula)

Librans are polite and smart people born under this sign.  They have a large social circle and tend to be romantics at heart. 

The syllables Ra, Re, Ro, Ta, Te, and To are thought to be good for starting a Libra baby’s name.

Check out :- List of Baby Names under the Sign of Libra

Scorpio (Vrushchika)

Scorpios are charismatic, forceful, and passionate. Like a magnet, they attract people to them. Scorpios are vivacious and showy at times, but they also have an emotional side.

Scorpio kids should be given names that begin with Na, Ne, No, To, Ya, Ye, and Yu, according to astrology.

Check out :- List of Baby Names under the Sign of Scorpio


The Archer is a person who is full of hope. Those born under the sign of Sagittarius enjoy their independence and are cheerful. They are often philosophical and have an intellectual curiosity about everything around them.

People born under this sign are said to have luck with names beginning with Bh, Dh, Ph, Ta, Ye, and Yo.

Check out :- List of Baby Names under the Sign of Saggitarius

Capricorn (Makara)

Capricorn is known for its loyalty and ambition. They are extremely disciplined and work tirelessly to achieve any goals they set for themselves. They have a terrific sense of comedy, despite their restrained demeanour.

For babies born under this sign, names beginning with Bh, Ga, Ge, Ja, Je, and Kh are said to be the best.

Check out :- List of Baby Names under the Sign of Capricorn

Aquarius (Kumbha)

Aquarians, enjoy standing out from the crowd. They are outgoing, trustworthy, and loyal, and they are frequently the life of the party. Aquarians are self-sufficient and free-thinking.

To bring luck to your Aquarian baby, try names that begin with Da, Ge, Go, Sa, Se, or So.

Check out :- List of Baby Names under the Sign of Aquarius

Pisces (Meena)

Pisceans are the softies of the zodiac, being selfless, sensitive, compassionate, and kind. They have a lot of imagination and thrive in the arts.

For a Piscean baby, you might want to consider names that start with Ch, De, Jh, Th, or Ya.

Check out :- List of Baby Names under the Sign of Pisces

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