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A Guide on the Best Pet for Your Zodiac Sign

A Guide on the Best Pet for Your Zodiac Sign

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Having a pet in your life can actually complete your family. They have indeed added responsibility, but the kind of positivity they bring along is unparalleled.

If you too want to get a pet, then getting one according to your zodiac sign is a good idea. 

The guild we have listed below will take you through an intriguing list of the best pet for your zodiac sign.


  1. Best Pet for Aries

A dog is the best pet for your zodiac sign for many reasons. An energetic dog can bring a lot to your life. You’ll have a companion that will match the kind of enthusiasm you have. You’ll also get a companion you could take on walks and treks.

The Best Dog Breed For Your Zodiac Sign

Aries are born adventurers. So, a lazy dog might not be what you need in life. Instead, active breeds are the kinds you should keep.

  1. The protective, Dalmatians
  2. The playful, German Shepherds.
  3. The vocalists, Huskies.
  4. The funny, Golden Retrievers.


  1. Best Pet for Taurus

Quite the opposite of Aries, Taurus is the one zodiac sign that is very calm. They are hard workers and their approach in life makes them comparatively quieter people.

So, the best pet for your zodiac sign would be someone who’s not always jumping up and down. Someone you can snuggle with and spend some silent time with. In other words, a hamster is the best pet for the Taurus zodiac sign.

If you’re a cat person, adopting a kitten is also a good idea.

  1. Best Pet for Gemini

Gemini people are some of the most talkative people. What’s better than a parrot then? A parrot can speak your tongue, share your humor, and be fun to be with.

What else?

If you don’t want a parrot, you can actually get a chameleon. Again, the reason is that a chameleon will keep you fascinated since it keeps changing colors. A cat can be an ideal pet too.

  1. Best pet for Cancer

Aren’t you the protective and emotional one in your family? You’re nurturing and kind. This is why small delicate animals are the best pets for your zodiac sign. And the options are abundant too.

  1. A cute little bunny.
  2. A hedgehog.
  3. A crab in an aquarium is also an option that you might like.
  4. Feeding small fishes in an aquarium will give you a sense of peace.


  1. Best Pet for Leo

There are 3 things that define a Leo – Strength, love for the family, and an exotic taste. This is why Leo is probably one of the very few zodiac signs that have many many options to keep as loving pets.

  1. A cocker spaniel can be the best pet for Leo. Another dog breed that’ll keep you happy is a golden retriever.
  2. Not a dog person? Well, you don’t have to worry. You’ll never run out of options when it comes to pets. A gorgeous royal Bengal cat or the rare exotic birds like a macaw will keep you engaged and happy.
  1. Best Pet for Virgo

Surely a restless personality, but a Virgo has a lot of love in the heart. This is why adopting a rescue animal could keep you calm and make you much less anxious. Talking strictly in terms of the best pet, the best best for your zodiac would be a boxer breed dog.

There are other options too.

  1. A senior dog is a better pet for Virgo.
  2. Fishes can also be the best pet for your zodiac sign since they’re non-messy delicate creatures.
  3. A rabbit is also a good pet for Virgo.

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  1. Best Pet for Libra

Any animal that misbehaves or needs a lot of training will give you a headache. So, the best pet for your zodiac sign would be something that’s quite social and peaceful. While you should avoid aggressive dogs, it doesn’t mean you can’t keep a dog. Just be careful of the breed you buy. A well-trained labrador can be your best friend.

Having said that, for all Libras who get cold feet as soon as they see a dog, no matter how friendly, lovebirds are the best pet for you. You’ll admire their beauty and, at the same time, the bond they share will warm your heart.


  1. Best Pet for Scorpio

Scorpios are maybe one of those rare zodiac signs that have an air of mystery around them. That’s exactly the quality that your pet should have too.

  1. A snooty cat is the best pet for your zodiac sign.
  2. You’ll love dangerous pets like a snake or a tarantula spider.
  3. Dominating dog breeds like a pit bull or a Doberman make good pets for your zodiac sign.


  1. Best Pet for Sagittarius

An outdoor animal is just the best pet for your zodiac sign. You’re a free-spirited person. That’s why you connect the most with animals of speed. A lazy cat or a bunny aren’t really your thing. The best pets for your zodiac sign could be any of the following.

  1. A magnificent horse.
  2. Happy shepherd dogs.
  3. Labradors and the howling huskies.


  1. Best Pet for Capricorn

Capricorns have expensive taste and an eye for exotic creatures. If you’re a typical Capricorn, you’ll want to show off your pet as much as your new limo or your new penthouse.

  • A fluffy groomed dog is the best pet for your zodiac sign.
  • You’ll adore cats too as long as they’re not rowdy.


  1. Best Pet for Aquarius

Aquarius is hands down the masters of weirdness that’s classy. These people are smart and intelligent, so should their pets be. Having said that, an aquarian will never be happy with a simple pet. So, some of the best pets for Aquarius are listed below.

  1. A sea turtle.
  2.  Ferrets
  3.  Owls
  4. A domesticated pig.
  5. A rodent.
  6. A hairless rat, maybe?


12. Best Pet for Pisces

Pisces born people are extremely sensitive and they have a special corner for helpless and neglected animals. So, the first thing that you could do is adopt a stray dog. In clearer words, a stray dog is the best pet for your zodiac sign. You’ll also be better at taking care of squirrels, fishes, and farm animals.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Which zodiac sign should buy a dog?

Aries, Leo, and Capricorn have a fetish for dogs.

2. Which zodiac signs should buy a cat? 

If you’re a Taurus or a Leo, a cat is the best pet for your zodiac.

3. What is the best pet for a Scorpio? 

Scorpios have weird taste. They like dangerous reptiles like snakes.

4. What zodiac sign is a true animal lover? 

Pisces is the most compassionate animal lovers who adopt sick and orphaned animals.

5. Which zodiac sign is crazy about their pets? 

Virgos can go to any length to protect their pets.

6. Which zodiac sign loves birds the most? 

Libras love lovebirds. Cancer loves parrots. Leos love exotic birds.

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