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What are 36 Gunas in Hindu Marriage ? Why 36 Gun Milan is important for a Successful Marriage?

What are 36 Gunas in Hindu Marriage ? Why 36 Gun Milan is important for a Successful Marriage?

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36 gunas in a kundali are divided into astha kootas (8 categories). The categories are used to calculate a score for the bride and groom. The score from all 8 categories is then added, and the sum is the number of matching gunas, which is called as 36 Gun Milan.

Matching the horoscope of the bride and groom is extremely important in terms of vedic astrology. 

There are a total of 36 gunas in a kundali. When one is planning to get married, the kundalis are matched in order to ascertain that the marriage will be a successful one. Wondering what are those 36 gunas and what do they mean in Hindu marriages, well, then, you’ve come to the right page. 

Concept behind kundali matching for 36 Gun Milan

Whilst there are 36 gunas, those 36 Gina’s are divided into eight different categories (ashta koota).

  1. Varna
  2. Vasya
  3. Tara
  4. Yoni
  5. Maitri
  6. Gana
  7. Nadi
  8. Bhakoot

It is necessary that at least 18 out of the 36 gunas should match in the birth chart of the bride and groom for them to be compatible for a Hindu marriage.

If 18 to 25 gunas match, it is believed that the marriage will be a particularly good one.

If 26 to 32 gunas match, it is believed that the bride and groom are made for each other.

The rarest of rare kundalis are those where more than 32 gunas match. This sort of a marriage is considered to be the most compatible and most prosperous type.

Having said that, let’s now have a look at the 8 categories (also known as Astha Kuta Mila) and find out what they signify in a marriage.


Ashta Kuta Milan in Vedic Astrology for Hindu Marriage

Varna Koot

Varna koota stands for the term ‘ego’. Which means that it signifies the personality of every individual. There are a total of 4 personalities that include:

  1. Brahmin
  2. Kshatriya
  3. Vaishya
  4. Shudra

The one thing that you should know about varna koota is that it does not stand for the caste when it comes to weddings. It is used as a reference to find out whether the bride has a higher varna or the groom has a higher varna.  1 point is allocated to the bride and groom of the same varna.

Vasya or Vaishya kuta

This koota stands for companionship in a kundali. It is divided into 5 categories that depend upon the moon sign in the birth chart. The 5 categories are as follows.

  1. Manav or Nara
  2. Vanchar
  3. Chatushpad
  4. Jalchar
  5. Keeta

If the bride and groom have the same vasya, it means that they are not opponents. Thus, it is one of the best gunas out of the 36 gunas if the couple has the same vaishya koota.

2 points are allocated when the vasya is the same. 0 points are allocated if the vasya are opponents. ½ point is allocated when one is manava and the other is jalchar. 1 point is allocated for all the other combinations.

Tara or Dina Koota

This koota signifies the star compatibility of the bride and groom. There are a total of 27 stars in a birth chart. Astrologers focus on finding out the birth star of the bride and groom. The birth star number is then divided by 9.

3 points are given if the remainder comes out to be an even number. 0 when the remainder is odd. And 1 point if the remainder is odd for both or even for both.

You may also like to read – What Does Bhakoot Dosha in Marriage Means – Are there Remedies to Get Rid of it?

Yoni kuta

Yoni kuta signifies sexual compatibility in a marriage. This Yoni is divided into 14 animal categories.

  1. Horse
  2. Elephant
  3. Sheep
  4. Snake
  5. Dog
  6. Cat
  7. Rat
  8. Cow
  9. Buffalo
  10. Tiger
  11. Deer
  12. Monkey
  13. Lion
  14. Mongoose

Enemy animals get 0 points. Neutral animals get 2 points. Animals in the friendly yoni get 1 point. If the yoni animal of the bride and groom are the same, they get 4 points.

Maitri or Rasyadipati koota

Maitri koota signifies compatibility of the couple in terms of the planetary alignment in a birth chart.

If the planet governing the horoscope of the bride and groom are friends, they get 5 points. If 1 lord is a friend and 1 is neutral, the couple gets 4 points. If all the lords in the respective birth charts are enemies, the couple gets 0 points

Gana koota

Gana kuta signifies the temperament and aggression. The 3 categories in this koota are:

  1. Deva
  2. Manava
  3. Raksha

The couple gets 6 points if the gana for both bride and groom is the same. They get 5 points if the gana of the girl is manava and the boy has deva gana. They get 1 point if one of them is raksha and the other is deva. In case the gana for one is manava and the other is raksha, they get 0 points.

Rashi Koota

Rashi koota signifies love. The score depends upon the position of the moon in the boy’s natal chart from the moon in the girl’s natal chart.

If the moon in the birth chart of the groom is 2, 3, 4, or 5 places from the moon in the bride’s chart, the marriage is considered to be inauspicious. On the other hand, if the moon is the 7th and 12th place, the wedding is auspicious.

Nadi Koota

Nadi koota signifies the health of the children that will be born to the couple. It is divided into 3 categories.

  1. Vata
  2. Pitta
  3. Kapha

If the nadi of the bride and groom are same, they get 8 points. But, if the nadi is different, they get 0 points.

In the end, the points from all the 8 categories (Ashta kootas) are calculated and the sum is the number of matching gunas out of the total 36 gunas in a kundali.  Needleless to say, since each of the ashta koota signifies one part of a relationship – love, sexual compatibility, star compatibility, planetary compatibility, companionship, health of children, temperament, and ego – it is necessary for the gunas to match.


So, never forget to get your kundali and the kundali of your would-be spouse read by an astrologer. Drop the idea if less than 18 gunas out of the 36 gunas match. However, if you have to absolutely marry the person you’re considering, follow the different vidhis that an astrologer suggests to bring the stars and planets together in a way that gods can bless your union with your partner

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are 36 gunas in Hindu marriages?

36 gunas belong to ashtakoota. They are Nadi, Bhakoot, Gan, Maitri, Yoni, Deena, Varna, and Vaasya.

2. What happens if all 36 gunas match?

This is a one in a million kind of match. But if all 36 gunas match, it is believed that the marriage is perfect, ideal, and auspicious.

3. Which gunas are important during kundali matching?

While all gunas are important, some are more important since they create serious doshas in a kundli and have more points. So, the most important of all gunas would be Nadi, Bhakoot, and Gana.

4. How many gunas should match for a marriage to happen?

Minimum 18. Anything lower means the marriage would be unsuccessful or estranged. Ideal number is something between 25 to 32.

5. Can you marry the same Nadi?

Absolutely not. It is known to create Nadi dosha if the bride and groom belong to the same Nadi.

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