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Palm Reading Marriage Lines: Get a Deep Insight into What Your Palms Say About Your Married Life!

Palm Reading Marriage Lines: Get a Deep Insight into What Your Palms Say About Your Married Life!

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Fascination towards marriage is not unusual. People have a general curiosity about the kind of life partner they will get, whether they will have a love marriage or arranged marriage, and so on. If you’ve often found yourself pondering whether the person you’re in a relationship with will be your life partner too, then you’re not alone. So, in this guide, we have compiled very interesting insights about the palm Reading Marriage Lines. Read through and explore many fascinating facts about marriage lines. Dive in! 

Understanding Your Palms to Find the Marriage Line in Palm Reading

There are 3 main lines in a palm, heart line, head line, and life line. The heart line is also known as the Love line. This is the line that you have to focus on when trying to locate the marriage line in your palm. If you look closely, you’ll be able to see a very small line starting from the base of the pinky finger, this is the marriage line. 

However, there are many more aspects to understand if you want to know whether the marriage line in your palm is a love marriage line or an arranged marriage line.

Palm to Read for Marriage Line in Males and Females 

Before you can understand whether the marriage line is a love marriage line or arranged marriage line, you should know which hand to read. 

  1. For Females – Ancient astrology recommends reading the left hand for marriage line reading for females.
  2. For Males – It is the right hand that’s usually read for the marriage line in males. 

Some astrologers, however, suggest reading the palm lines of the working hand for both males and females. This is pretty accurate too. 

Understanding If the Marriage Line is a Love Marriage Line in Palm Reading 

Marriages are governed by planets in astrology. That’s exactly the concept behind love marriage lines in palmistry. 

By now you already know which line is the marriage line in a palm. In this section, you’ll be able to understand whether the marriage line in your palm indicates a love marriage or an arranged marriage.

Venus and Jupiter are the planets of love and relationships. So, the Venus mount and the Jupiter mount are very important when trying to find out whether you’ll have a love marriage or arranged marriage. The condition of the lines in these two mounts decides if the marriage line in your case is a love marriage line in palm reading or not. 

4 Things that the Venus Mount and Jupiter Mount Reveal about the Love Marriage Line in Palm Reading

Venus mount is located between the base of the thumb and the life line in the palm. Jupiter mount is the mount that’s present at the base of the index finger. The condition of lines in these mounts decides if you’ll get love marriage or arranged marriage. 

X Shape in the Venus Mount and Jupiter Mount 

Look closely at the lines in the Venus mount, if you can see the shape of an X, then it’s a good indication. Now, look at the Jupiter mount. If there’s an X shape too, then the marriage line in your palm is a love marriage line. 

  1. Such marriages occur after a long-term affair. 
  2. These marriages are very successful. 
  3. The couple never loses the spark and stays in love forever. 

Trident Shape on Heart Line

This is a super interesting one. Look very closely at the heart line. Many small lines start from the heart line. If any of those lines are making the shape of a trident (Trishul) with the heart line and, at the same time, there’s an X shape in the Jupiter mount, it means that the marriage line is the love marriage line in palm reading in your case. 

  1. Your spouse will love you and adore you forever. 
  2. Your marriage will be exemplary. 
  3. Your life partner will always be emotionally available for you. 

Color of the Venus Mount in Females for Spouse Appearance 

The Venus mount in palm reading marriage lines for females is particularly very helpful in predicting the physical appearance of the future husband. 

If the color of the Venus mount in your palm is a pinkish hue, it does not just mean that you’re fair and beautiful, it also means that your husband will be fair too. 

  1. He will be tall. 
  2. He will have a lean body.
  3. He will have dense black hair. 
  4. His face will be rounded.

To put it simply, he’ll be extremely handsome. 

Here’s what you don’t want your Venus mount to be like! Puffy, extremely hard, extremely flat, or too wide. If it’s any of these, you won’t be faithful in your marriage. It will lead to an ugly divorce. 

Lines in the Jupiter Mount for Males

If a line from the Jupiter mount is making a V shape with the heart line, you’re a lucky man. Not only will you have a love marriage, but also, your wife will be extremely attractive. She will be loyal and faithful too.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where is the marriage line located in the palm?

The line that starts from the base of the pinky finger is the marriage line. It’s located above the heart line in the palm.

2. Which hand to refer to for the love marriage line in palm reading for females?

According to ancient astrology, the left hand should be referred to for reading the marriage line for females in palm reading.

3. Which hand to refer to for the love marriage line in palm reading for males?

According to ancient astrology, the right hand is for males. However, many modern astrologers suggest reading the working hand.

4. Where is Venus Mount located?

The space between the life line and the base of the thumb is the Venus mount. It can predict the appearance of the husband for females.

5. Where is the Jupiter Mount located?

It is present at the base of the index finger. If a line from the Jupiter mount forms a V shape with the heart line, it means that the wife will be extremely loyal and very attractive.

6. Which is the sign of love marriage in palmistry?

If there’s an X shape in the Venus mount and Jupiter mount together, it means that you will get love marriage. Also, if the heart line has a shape of a trident (Trishul) and there’s an X in the Jupiter Mount at the same time, it indicates a love marriage too.