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Know these 7 Most Relaxing Colours that can Help Us Lead a Stress Free Life

Know these 7 Most Relaxing Colours that can Help Us Lead a Stress Free Life

According to science colours have a huge psychological, emotional, and even physical impact on us. Simply looking at them can help you relax.

Colour can be used as a stress management tool if you are feeling unduly stressed.

Here in this article, we are listing the 7 most relaxing colours that can help us lead a stress-free life.


Blue has a wonderful ability to reduce stress since it is peaceful, quiet, and kind. It’s a really calming colour that can help you relax, slow down your pulse rate, lower your blood pressure, and reduce worry. Blue is thought to offer cooling and astringent properties. When selecting the proper shade of blue, it’s preferable to go for a soft and neutral tint (for example, a bedroom wall) for a calming effect.


Green is a soothing and peaceful colour. Green is one of the most attractive and pleasant colours since it represents nature. It invites harmonious feelings that can alleviate anxiety and help us stay calm and refreshed. The green family’s most stress-reducing colours are beige greens and mild yellow-greens.


Pink is yet another colour that promotes calm and tranquillity. Pink, according to Feng Shui, relaxes various energy in a room and keeps them modest. Its tranquillity helps the balance of your energies. Although pink is considered a feminine colour and is usually seen in a newborn girl’s nursery decor, the appropriate shade of pink can look lovely in almost any area.


White represents clarity and newness. It is the ideal colour to surround yourself with during times of stress in order to gain clarity of thought. A white-painted room is said to be the most suitable for a pregnant woman. But keep in mind that white should be a clean, brilliant white, not too stark, because if it seems dusty and dull, your emotions will reflect that dullness.


Violet represents strength, tranquilly, and wisdom. It has the ability to offer balance and inner calm to you. Many people contemplate decorating with violet to create a serene environment. Violet is also claimed to be beneficial to bone formation and to the body’s potassium and salt balance. According to research, the power of meditation can be ten times stronger when exposed to violet light. So now you know the key to effective meditation. If you don’t want to go all-violet, try placing a violet flower in a prominent spot in the living room or using a violet-coloured decorating piece.


Many people associate grey with being a dreary, boring, and sometimes melancholy colour. However, grey has a really relaxing and cooling aura. Grey, when combined with blue or white accents, can create a soothing environment.


This colour has a very wonderful vibe about it that makes you feel alive and energetic the moment you see it. Keep a substantial ‘yellow object’ in a conspicuous area at home if you wish to start your day on an upbeat note. Better still, paint your kitchen yellow (in whole or in part) because a recent study discovered that people in yellow rooms appeared to be more active and conscious than people in other rooms.