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All About The Temperance Tarot Card – The Temperance Tarot Card Meaning

All About The Temperance Tarot Card – The Temperance Tarot Card Meaning

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The Temperance Tarot Card Description

On the Temperance tarot card, there is an angel with huge wings. She wears a light blue cloak with a triangle contained within a square on the front, symbolizing that humans are bound by the laws of the Earth and natural law (represented by the triangle) (square). The angel creates a balance by placing one foot on the rocks, symbolising the need for stability, and one foot on the river, symbolizing the need for flow.

The Temperance Tarot Card Description

She divides two glasses of water to symbolise the flow and ebb and flow of life. A winding road leads to a mountain range in the background, symbolizing the journey of a lifetime. A golden crown clothed in brilliant light may be seen hovering over the mountains as a symbol of choosing and maintaining the Higher Path. This Essential Arcana In a wide sense, temperance signifies peace, tranquility, patience, and moderation. This card from Major Arcana indicates that you have acquired inner serenity and a thorough grasp of the problem. It suggests that you have healthy interpersonal ties. You have learned to avoid getting involved in other people’s arguments and to not let little irritations throw you off balance. Instead, remain calm, maintain your composure, and adapt to the situation.

Temperance may also signify that you have found peace and are content with your life. Temperance demonstrates that you have a solid understanding of who you are on the inside, what you value, and your moral compass, which makes it easier for you to identify your aims and set personal goals.

The Temperance Tarot Card (Upright)

The Temperance Tarot Card (Upright)

The Temperance Tarot Card Upright keywords

Equilibrium, peace, patience, moderation, calm, tranquility, harmony, and serenity

The Temperance Tarot Card (Upright) Meaning

Upright Temperance tarot card can assist you in living a life of moderation, tolerance, and peace. As you stabilize your energy, the life force is permitted to flow through you without protest or effort. It is time to restore order and harmony to your life and recapture your flow. This card advises you to retain composure despite stress or misfortune. Keep your emotions under control and maintain a balanced disposition. You have learned the capacity to remain calm under duress. You appear to have a limitless quantity of patience, as you are unfazed by trivial matters.

As a result of your respect for peace and harmony, you will accomplish and experience life fulfillment. To be moderate, you must take the center ground and weigh all perspectives. It is not proper to be extremely outspoken or confrontational at this time. Be the peacekeeper by selecting a realistic, well-balanced strategy and avoiding extremes. To promote harmony and collaboration, it is necessary to incorporate others and unite numerous people. By working together, you will be able to utilize the optimal combination of skills, knowledge, abilities, and competencies. There is alchemy within Temperance.

The key aspect of this Tarot card is mixing, combining, and fusing disparate elements to create something new and far more valuable than the sum of its parts. The phrase “blending” can apply to a range of things, including a happy family, a painter who incorporates multiple mediums or techniques, a bartender who creates innovative and exciting beverages, or a gourmet who combines diverse culinary traditions. Upright Temperance tarot card suggests that you have a specific, long-term objective in mind. Instead of rushing through the assignment, you take your time to complete it to the best of your ability. You are aware that a deliberate, focused strategy is required to reach your goals.

The Temperance Tarot Card (Upright): Love & Relationship

If you are in a committed relationship, the Upright Temperance tarot card is regarded as one of the greatest cards you may receive in a love Tarot reading. When you and your partner reach the proper balance of love, commitment, and respect, your relationship will be successful. It also symbolizes soulmates. Upright Temperance tarot card indicates that you and your partner will be able to overcome whatever difficulties are blocking you from moving forward in your relationship. Temperance implies that, if you are unmarried, you will learn to balance your various responsibilities with those of a committed spouse. This will attract suitable individuals to you.

In romantic relationships, the Upright Temperance tarot card represents patience, equilibrium, compassion, and adopting the middle path. This card tells us to show caution and thoughtful deliberation when making judgments and to avoid behaving extremely. Reflect on your behavior and any areas in which your attitudes, convictions, or ideals may be excessive about love. Do you approach possible partners in a too-assertive manner? Or, are you being overly circumspect? Give you too much? Or, are you lacking in generosity? How can these attributes be balanced? In addition, your current or future relationships may require some patience as you seek harmony and common ground.

The Temperance Tarot Card (Upright): Finance

Upright Temperance tarot card indicates that your finances should be in order, as your money should be in balance. Rather than taking financial risks or making risky investments, the time has come to protect the balance and increase your savings at a steady rate, therefore be cautious to adopt moderation in your financial dealings. Upright Temperance tarot card can serve as a lesson to approach your finances with balance and moderation. This may suggest that you have been diligent in your savings efforts and are also able to occasionally indulge yourself within your means. Regular, conscientious savings may allow you to grow your financial resources over time.

In a tarot reading for employment, this Upright Temperance tarot card may also suggest the chance of starting a romantic relationship with a co-worker. Before merging work and play, you must ensure that you are aware of the hazards and able to deal with them. Long-term judgments will yield more desirable outcomes, and you must make decisions regarding the proper consequences of your activities. To keep your relationships with your business partners and co-workers, you must make the appropriate choices. Maintain your inner calm as well. If you do not follow suit, the Upright Temperance tarot card predicts a temporary period of difficulty for you as well.

The Temperance Tarot Card (Upright): Career

The upright Temperance tarot card tells you to set goals for your career today since you have the stamina and determination to achieve your goals. The upright Temperance card in your Tarot deck will call attention to your diligence and perseverance. In addition, this Major Arcana card urges you to be cautious and not grasp the first opportunity if there is a potential for something better in the future if you are anticipating a pay raise or career advancement. You may utilize patience and moderation to help you achieve your professional ambitions. If it is related to your occupation, you will likely find what you’re looking for.

However, it might occur gradually and silently if you consistently exert effort. Your dedication and ability to maintain composure in tough job conditions may help you stand out to your co-workers and friends. When making alterations to your career path, the Upright Temperance tarot card may serve as a reminder to remain steady, patient, and dedicated. Ultimately, wonderful things demand patience. Upright Temperance tarot card may also indicate that you properly balance your career with other aspects of your life; it is neither your exclusive objective nor your sole source of money.

The Temperance Tarot Card (Upright): Health

The upright Temperance tarot card implies that balance is the key to good health in terms of health. As a result, you will discover that now is an excellent opportunity to control any detrimental behaviors. Examine the parts of life or wellness in which you have been overdoing or underdoing things while you are experiencing health issues. You could gain the necessary therapeutic boost by restoring balance to these areas. If you have been concerned about your medical care, he believes you will feel more confident in this area. It suggests that after years of focusing on the material or superficial aspects of one’s life, there is no space for something greater.

It’s time to broaden your horizons and connect with your spiritual dimension, as you already have all you need to feel at ease. Your quality of life will be improved in ways that money cannot purchase. The upright Temperance tarot card is a spiritual message to pay heed to your inner path and an indication that your spiritual advisers are present in aspects of your being. Temperance may also suggest that your intellect, body, and spirit are in harmony. As you progress along your spiritual path, remember to be patient and to have faith that everything is happening as it should.

The Temperance Tarot Card (Reversed)

The Temperance Tarot Card (Reversed)

The Temperance Tarot Card Reversed keywords

Imbalance, excess, extremes, discord, recklessness, haste

The Temperance Tarot Card (Reversed) Meaning

If you have lately had a period of excess, the reversed Temperance tarot card is your opportunity (or occasionally your warning signal) to immediately recover equilibrium and make adjustments. You may have been binge eating, drinking excessively, making expensive purchases, feuding with family members, or having negative thoughts. As a result of these activities, you are moving further away from who you are and the goals you are here to complete. Consequently, it is time to cease. As the saying goes, moderation is key. Or, you may find that total abstinence is required to halt this harmful cycle and restore balance to your life.

The reversed Temperance tarot card is another indication that something is “wrong” with your life and creating stress and tension. Life is not proceeding as smoothly as you had anticipated, or a small voice within you is whispering, “Wait a minute! I’m not thrilled about this! You can overlook it and proceed with your daily activities. Nevertheless, heed the advice of this card: If you remain in this state for an extended amount of time, the voice will grow louder and more insistent until you listen.

Alternatively, you might listen to it immediately and make the necessary adjustments to regain your flow. Try to coordinate your daily activities with your long-term vision and deeper meaning by maintaining focus on them.

The reversed Temperance tarot card may indicate a period of introspection during which you may reconsider your life’s priorities. You may experience an inner calling, yet your daily activities may not correspond with what is transpiring. Consider this an opportunity to align your inner and outer vibrations. You may need to modify your living arrangement, interpersonal relationships, work, and daily routine to achieve greater balance and relevance in light of your new goals. As you align your inner and outside worlds, don’t be shocked if you experience tension or even conflict; this is a typical part of the process of bringing about positive change and smoothing things out.

The Temperance Tarot Card (Reversed): Love & Relationships

The reversed Temperance tarot card in a love reading indicates friction and arguments caused by instability in the relationship. This may be the result of one of your ideas, namely that you care more about the other person or that your partner does not reciprocate your love and respect. Discord exists in the relationship, and you may find that you are fighting and unwilling to listen to one another. Instead of working together to find answers to your difficulties, you may discover that you are openly hostile.

Allow yourself to be more attentive to discovering solutions, strive to calm the situation, and build your inner equilibrium to better deal with the challenges you face. If you are single, you may be dedicating an excessive amount of time and energy to possible companions too quickly. It might be that you’re trying too hard or seeming overly excited, or that you’re promiscuous or appearing too desperate! If you’re looking for love, practice patience. Be patient and avoid connecting with someone before you know them well. Relax, work on achieving inner peace, and let any new romantic interests develop spontaneously.

The Temperance Tarot Card (Reversed): Finance

Do you feel compelled to always indulge in the next big luxury? Alternately, are you so frugal that you never reward yourself with a tiny pleasure for your efforts? Both of these perspectives will likely need to be updated because none is sustainable over the long term. Never prioritize your present comfort over your prospective future comfort while making the initial choice. Consider your financial goals, but also your well-being; as with the reversed Temperance tarot card, there must be a good balance between your present and future well-being.

If you are having financial difficulties, you must act immediately. Be careful not to spend money rashly when you seek immediate gratification to distract yourself from your internal instability. To attain tranquility, you must take your time and reconnect with who you are. Spending excessively will not provide you with inner peace; it will lead to debt! You may feel somewhat more vulnerable in your personal life due to your financial issues. Avoid individuals who question your wealth, since they could significantly influence your judgments and perspectives. Your financial decisions may spin out of control at this time to preserve your worsening financial status.

The Temperance Tarot Card (Reversed): Career

When the reversed Temperance tarot card appears in a career reading, it may indicate an imbalance or difficulty at work. You may be working excessively or insufficiently, or you may conflict with your co-workers. It could also indicate that you are avoiding or rejecting constructive criticism. Regardless of the issue, you must look within and restore your vitality to resolve this dilemma. Do you frequently devote your entire effort to your job, neglecting other aspects of your life? In the expectation that your efforts will be effective, do you usually stay up late? Or perhaps you realise that your procrastination enrages your coworkers.

There could be anything now out of balance at work. While the former may aid your success, it can ultimately be detrimental. If this describes you, strive for equilibrium. Be mindful not to rush through jobs or make rash decisions while doing them, as this could compromise the quality of your work. Two coworkers may be harmed if a single employee fails to do their assigned duties. This card occasionally denotes a romantic relationship that began at work, but when it is reversed, it may indicate difficulties for you. If you continue in this direction, you will likely face unexpected results.

The Temperance Tarot Card (Reversed): Health

When the reversed Temperance tarot card appears in a health context, it is a strong indicator that other elements of your life are out of balance, which can have a bad effect on your health. When the Temperance Tarot card is reversed in a Tarot deck, it may also imply imprudent or dangerous excesses, so be mindful of what you are consuming at this time. To re-establish your equilibrium, you must connect with how you are feeling, identify any issues that may be driving you to engage in unhealthy coping strategies, and address those issues. Your body is capable of incredible feats, yet it occasionally requires rest and recuperation to heal itself.

When an individual is internally out of balance, it may impact their relationships with loved ones, job, and other activities. When temperance is inverted, it suggests psychological discord. You may believe you have lost contact with your spirit guides or inner guidance. Additionally, this indicates a mental, bodily, and spiritual imbalance. Consider engaging in meditation and energy work to restore your equilibrium. If you are finding that self-balancing is not working for you, you may want to consider seeking the advice of a professional.

The Temperance Tarot Card: One card Pull

When you need concise and immediate answers, you do a single card draw. It is used when you require particular responses in the form of Yes or No. Therefore, obtaining a one-card pull is usually beneficial if you are facing a difficult scenario or are in a quandary. After shuffling the deck, you may select one card. Depending on your inquiry, you will receive the appropriate response. The outcomes of one card drawn from the Temperance tarot card consists of:

If the card is in the upright position, it means the response is “Yes.”

If the card is in the reversed position, it signifies a “No” response.

The Temperance Tarot Card for Timing

When will a resolution occur? If you inquire about the scheduling of an upcoming event, the Temperance tarot card will predict that it will occur during the Aries season. In addition, the likelihood of the same event occurring during the Aries season doubles. There is seldom a constant question, however. However, keep in mind that the solution to your question is quite soon. It is best to read this in the morning to obtain an understanding of what the day may hold.

According to The Temperance Major Arcana Tarot card, a favorable occurrence would make you feel valued, loved, and accepted, and you are on the verge of reaching the summit. Since this tarot card represents love, any task in your life concerning relationships will soon be fulfilled. In addition, it indicates possible relationships. Consequently, the time required for both occurrences to occur will be perceived as a fault. Therefore, if you have concerns about time, consider it a good card.

[BONUS] The Temperance Tarot Card and NUMEROLOGY

The 14th card in the Major Arcana is Temperance. 14 is reduced by numerology to 5 (1+4). The number five has the positive qualities of liberty, versatility, adaptability, and versatility. Instability, anarchy, recklessness, carelessness, and overindulgence in food, alcohol, drugs, and sensuality are the negative and destructive influences of this number (sex). Even while Temperance and The Hierophant have the same core numerology, the number 14 also represents self-control (number 1), hence generating steadiness (number 4).

[BONUS] The Temperance Tarot Card and Astrology

Both Sagittarius and the Temperance card are perpetually seeking enlightenment. The angel on this Tarot card illustrates this by slowly pouring liquid from one golden cup into another — a technique known as “tempering” (a slow process of integration that leads to the perfect middle state). Similarly, Sagittarius achieves this by investigating the outer limits of the physical and intellectual worlds to “temper” or “extend” what is previously understood.

As a sign of Fire, Sagittarius is enthusiastic and drawn to novel concepts, ideologies, and travel. Sagittarius is represented by the Centaur, a half-human, half-horse creature that frequently carries a bow. Sagittarius, sometimes known as “The Archer,” employs a reliable bow and arrow to dream big and shoot high. The only way to depress this positive indicator is to restrict their freedom.

The Major Arcana Tarot Cards

The Fool                         The Magician

The High Priestess       The Empress

The Emperor             The Hierophant

The Lovers                       The Chariot

Strength                            The Hermit

Wheel Of Fortune                   Justice

The Hanged Man                     Death

Temperance                       The Devil

The Tower                            The Star

The Moon                             The Sun

Judgement                         The World

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does the Temperance tarot card mean love?

The upright Temperance tarot love meaning denotes tolerance, moderation, understanding, and taking the middle road in romantic relationships. This card advises us to exercise caution and deliberate consideration while making decisions and to refrain from acting in extremes.

2. What is the Temperance Tarot Card meaning?

On the Temperance tarot card, there is an angel with huge wings. She wears a light blue cloak with a triangle contained within a square on the front, symbolizing that humans are bound by the laws of the Earth and natural law (represented by the triangle) (square).

3. what is the Temperance Tarot Card Upright meaning?

Upright Temperance tarot card can assist you in living a life of moderation, tolerance, and peace. As you stabilize your energy, the life force is permitted to flow through you without protest or effort.

4. what is the Temperance Tarot Card reversed meaning?

If you have lately had a period of excess, the reversed Temperance tarot card is your opportunity (or occasionally your warning signal) to immediately recover equilibrium and make adjustments.