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Venus Transit 2022: Effects of Venus Transit on all 12 Zodiac Signs

Venus Transit 2022: Effects of Venus Transit on all 12 Zodiac Signs

When it comes to relationships, marriages, and children, Venus plays a significant role in Vedic astrology. You would be successful in love and surrounded by beauty and creativity.

The planet Venus oversees Taurus and Libra zodiac signs, and when in Pisces, it exalts. However, if the planet is in the Virgo sign, you will experience adversity and hardship. If Venus is conjunct to Mercury, Ketu, or Saturn, your life will thrive; but, if Venus is conjunct to Rahu, Sun, or Moon, sad times will follow you about.

Venus Transit 2022 Date and Time

When it comes to the period of the Venus transit, the planet spends 23 days in each zodiac sign and 276 days to cover all of the zodiac signs in your Kundali. In the first month, the planet will be in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. It will move from the zodiac sign of Sagittarius to Capricorn in February. The transit of Venus in 2022 will come to a conclusion in December, when the planet will make its last journey to the Capricorn zodiac sign. Let’s take a look at all of the Venus Transit dates and timings in 2022:

Planet of Transit – Venus

Transiting From

Transiting To





February 27, 2022

10:37 AM



March 31, 2022

08:54 AM



April 27, 2022

06:29 PM



May 23, 2022

08:39 PM



June 18, 2022

08:27 AM



July 13, 2022 11:01 AM



August 7, 2022

05:31 AM



August 31, 2022

09:14 PM



September 24, 2022

09:50 PM



October 18, 2022

07:36 PM



November 11, 2022

08:20 PM



December 5, 2022

06:07 PM

Let’s take a closer look at the impact of Venus’s transit in 2022 on each of the 12 zodiac signs.

Venus Transit 2022 for Aries

Planet Venus oversees the 2nd and 7th houses for Aries inhabitants, and will transit in the Aries zodiac sign, according to Vedic astrology. As a result, Venus Transit 2022 forecasts that you will have some cheerful and good occasions. This planetary transit in 2022 will be extremely favourable to individuals. It is an excellent time for lovers since your bond will strengthen and you will have a better understanding of one another. If you’re married, the planets’ transits will strengthen your bonds with your partner. There is also something for single Aries people. You might want to start dating because there’s a good possibility you’ll meet the right person during the Shukra Gochar in 2022.

Natives who are thinking about forming a permanent relationship or getting married may encounter someone extraordinary who is wise, beautiful, and knowledgeable. Financially, the arrangement would be advantageous. However, you must set aside finances in case you need to spend money on the health of a family member. The Venus Transit in 2022 will also bring individuals closer together in families, enabling for the resolution of family problems and the formation of harmony among friends. You will benefit from the period in terms of your health. Eating a well-balanced diet and exercising regularly are still recommended for staying fit and healthy.

Venus Transit 2022 for Taurus


Venus is the ruler of the first and sixth houses for Taurus people, and she will transit in the bull sign Taurus in 2022. According to the Shukra Gochar 2022 predictions, you will be financially secure and able to spend your earnings on recreational activities, new apparel, perfumes, and other similar items. Taurus residents looking for a new employment or some excellent job opportunities may find themselves with a proficient and appreciated job as a result of this transit. According to the Venus transit in 2022, the phase will be an excellent time to take your partner out on a date or for a romantic dinner, and to arrange some wonderful surprises for them, as Venus will assist you.

You may make contact with a powerful figure in the near future. Relationships with others will aid you in both professional and financial advancement. Take use of this advantageous time to improve other aspects of your life. Right now, things are looking good for you. In your personal life, everything will go according to plan. Examine your company’s profitability and treat it as one of your most important prospects. In terms of fitness, it is advised that you take careful care of yourself during this period because small illnesses are possible. As a result, don’t take your health for granted and take the appropriate safeguards.

Venus Transit 2022 for Gemini


For Gemini natives, Venus is the lord of the twelfth and fifth houses, and in 2022, she will transit through the sign of Gemini. According to the Venus transit horoscope for 2022, you will spend the majority of the phase focusing on yourself. You should focus largely on improving your physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being. To keep your health in check, you would focus on developing a good eating plan as well as practising yoga and exercising. During the Venus transit in 2022, you will spend a lot of time grooming yourself. The planetary transit in 2022 will be a favourable moment for Gemini natives in significant engagements and partnerships, since there will be more tenderness and your spouse. If you are a single Gemini, now is the time to meet someone with whom to share your life.

You will be able to share your ideas and opinions about everything in your life using the Shukra Gochar in 2022. You may also purchase items that you enjoy and want to share with others in your community. However, you may develop a habit of flaunting off as a result of this, which you must avoid. You will come to regret it later, according to the transit forecasts for 2022. You will learn the importance of putting up effort and energy in order to succeed in the future. Allergies and mild illnesses are possible side effects. So, don’t stray from the norm when it comes to what you eat. In terms of money, the transit of the planets in 2022 has the potential to increase your outgoings. As a result, strive to prioritise your needs before spending.

Venus Transit 2022 for Cancer



Venus, the planet of Cancerians, rules the 11th and fourth houses and will transit through the Cancer zodiac sign. Venus’s transit through Cancer in 2022 portends pleasant relationships, marital compatibility, and financial prosperity. The planet also has the ability to broadcast. As a result, the internet and social media will be advantageous to you, and your article will most likely be well-received. Cancer natives will have a stronger social status during this planetary transit in 2022. You’ll also like meeting new people and interacting with them. Your relationships will improve as a result of your increased willingness to spend quality time with them.

According to the Venus transit projections for 2022, some of you may be able to plan an excellent vacation within your constraints. On the other hand, the transit of Venus in Cancer in 2022 may produce issues in your marriage because your spouse may not be in the mood or remain cordial. It could strain your relationship and have a negative impact on your psychological abilities, bringing you a lot of anxiety. In terms of health, this planet transit phase will be beneficial to you. Although medical intervention is pricey, it would be beneficial to you. This time period will also help you to come up with new and innovative ways to boost your revenue and growth.

Venus Transit 2022 for Leo

Venus is the lord of the 10th and 3rd houses for Leos, and it will transit in the Leo zodiac sign. Your focus during the Shukra Gochar 2022 would be on developing your gestures, social behaviours, and overall showings, resulting in an elusive, charming public image. Because love is so important in one’s life, you will be more in need of it while being sympathetic and expressive. During the transit of the year 2022, Leos will place a great priority on both physical and emotional fulfilment. And, according to Venus transit 2022 forecasts for Leo locals who are single, now is the time to commit to someone you’ve wanted to be with for a long time, and your presence will tempt the opposite gender to pay attention to you.

You will ooze bravery and charisma during the Venus transit in 2022, and everyone around you will be enthralled by your attractive manner. You’ll pay more attention to your eating habits, be more precise, and develop a taste for tangy and sour meals. Designers, musicians, stylists, media professionals, writers, actors, and craftspeople will all have a good time. As a result, your work life will be fantastic, and your unique efforts will be admired. Overall, you will have a happy and prosperous existence that will demand only modest but serious efforts on your part to maintain for a long time.

Venus Transit 2022 for Virgo

Venus is the lord of the tenth and second houses, and it will transit through the sign of Virgo. It suggests that whatever new endeavour you start during this time period will be a success. It will be difficult for your opponents and rivals to keep up with you. One of the effects of Venus’s transit through Virgo in 2022 is that you may opt not to start a new love relationship. Natives who are single have a better probability of marrying. People who are already married or in a relationship might appreciate some quality time with their partners. Virgo natives who are prone to unethical or criminal behaviour should avoid doing so during the transit of planets in 2022.

Furthermore, according to the Shukra Gochar 2022 prophecies, you should avoid making any professional or personal investments at this time. It’s because you could lose a lot of money, your resources could be depleted, and you could be forced to commit some unnecessary expenses. However, you will have a nice and humble nature, which will help you resolve the bulk of your job and social issues. You may face some opposition from younger siblings, and you may find it difficult to persuade them of your love and respect. Overall, the Venus transit in 2022 will offer you more good fortune and happy times than adversity.

Venus Transit 2022 for Libra

For residents of the Libra zodiac sign, Venus rules the eighth and ascendant houses, i.e. the first house. You will feel better about yourself and your health will improve as Venus transits Libra in 2022. You’ll be able to finish all of the tasks that were on your to-do list. It’s recommended not to buy anything from an unknown source because you can end up losing money. Your attitude will be more tuned toward pleasure, love, and sex when it comes to love. Your romantic relationship with your partner can advance to the next level, culminating to engagement or marriage. Married couples will find happiness and fulfilment throughout this section. The transit will also bring some wonderful marriage offers to singles born under the sign of Libra.

According to the Venus transit predictions for 2022, expenses may rise during this time. In ordinary life, though, you will notice a change in your self-assurance and luminosity. Your company’s profits are expected to rise. One of the benefits of the Venus transit in Libra in 2022 is that your social standing will improve. In terms of health, you’d be in excellent shape, and no severe health problems are foreseen throughout this period. In Vedic astrology, the Venus planetary transit in 2022 will be an excellent moment for students to improve their academic achievement. There will be plenty of recreational opportunities during this period, and you will meet new people and broaden your professional horizons.

Venus Transit 2022 for Scorpio

Planet Venus is the lord of the 7th and 12th houses for Scorpions, and its transit in the Scorpio sign will boost your self-esteem, give your persona a unique attraction, and attract others to you. You’ll feel content, happy, and delightful, and you’ll have a spring in your step as a result of deep feelings for others around you. According to Venus transit forecasts for 2022, you will be inclined to empathise with everyone you meet and captivate them with your charisma. Your newfound self-assurance and contentment will have a positive impact on your way of living. It would increase your relationship with your spouse and improve your married life. Love would seek to form between you and your companion as you share the pleasures of life.

A trip with your loved ones may also help you unwind and reconnect with them. In terms of health, some of you may become ill during the Shukra Gochar in 2022, causing you distress. You can overcome any hurdles with the correct amount of exercise, relaxation, and sleep. Make it a priority to eat on time and exercise on a regular basis if you want to stay on top. On the professional front, it’s possible that you’ll overachieve on too ambitious goals, which will definitely result in results in the near future. Rather than working alone, try cooperating with your coworkers to reach a common goal. It will assist you in pondering your ideas and lessen the likelihood of future blunders.

Venus Transit 2022 for Sagittarius

Venus, the lord of the 6th and 11th houses for archer Sags, will transit in the Sagittarius zodiac sign, causing an increase in your profits. During the Venus transit in 2022, you may come across a number of opportunities that will help you progress in your corporate job and personal life. Workers looking for a new job are more likely to find better-paying positions in their field of interest. Also, because Venus makes a powerful yoga with the planets Sun and Mercury during this planetary transit in 2022, business persons are likely to make gains as well as benefits. Furthermore, you will have a significant ability to obtain name, reputation, and riches as a result of the Venus transit in 2022.

Personal interactions with friends are likely to increase, and you’ll be more tempted to host reunions or small get-togethers to spend time with them and make them feel valued. Married couples, on the other hand, may find their partners complaining about their relationships, taking the romance for granted, and rarely spending enough time with them. As a result, make sure you take your partner’s needs into consideration and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Things may not appear to be going well in terms of health, so add yoga, mindfulness, and a well-balanced diet into your daily routine to improve your health during the Venus planetary transit in Vedic astrology in 2022.

Venus Transit 2022 for Capricorn

Venus rules the fifth and tenth houses for Capricorns. In terms of romance and relationships, the transit of Venus through the Capricorn zodiac sign in 2022 will be great. Long-standing marital problems will be resolved, allowing you to enjoy more comfort and satisfaction in your partnership. You’ll spend your valuable time with your partner, making them feel special by surprise them with a dinner date or some old-fashioned romance. You will notice that your emotional and physiological health will improve if you value quiet and tranquilly in your life. According to the Venus transit predictions 2022, the way you perform your job obligations will astound your superiors or bosses.

According to the Shukra Gochar of 2022, your desire to relocate to another nation will be fully supported, and you may even be able to work there. If you’re in a relationship, make an additional effort to express your undying love for your partner and to be loud about it so that everything in your marriage is apparent. In addition, potential partners will aid one another in making sound financial decisions. Capricorn’s family life would thrive, and you’d have a wonderful time with your children. Brothers and sisters’ relationships, on the other hand, may go through a bad patch that will pass with time. Overall, Capricorn inhabitants will benefit from the transit.

Venus Transit 2022 for Aquarius

The planet Venus rules the 4th and 9th houses for Aquarius zodiac sign inhabitants. Individuals looking for fantastic job opportunities will have a lot of luck with Venus transiting Aquarius in 2022. Your bosses would show admiration and acknowledgement for you at work. Work trips will be favourable during this transit period of planets in 2022, and you will be able to engage better with corporate teams. You’ll quickly rise to prominence and play a key part in the development of valuable assets for your firm. More revenue alternatives will be available from a number of sources. Long-term investments will provide exceptional returns, allowing you to expand significantly in terms of wealth and cash.

In the future, the Venus transit in the Aquarius sign in 2022 forecasts that new relationships could lead to marriage. Singles would stand an excellent chance of meeting someone. A romantic getaway with your spouse will be appreciated by married couples. Those who were thinking about starting a family will be happy with the results. Learners can also look forward to classification benefits in 2022, when Venus makes a planetary transit. However, you must prevent quarrels or miscommunications with your close friends and family. You’d feel better in terms of health, and your positive attitude would keep you free of mental issues. However, you should keep an eye on your diet because the transit of planets in 2022 may cause you to gain weight.

Venus Transit 2022 for Pisces

Venus, the lord of the third and eighth houses in your natal chart, will transit through the Pisces zodiac sign for those born under this sign. It appears that you will have a difficult time during this planetary transit in 2022, with a variety of outcomes. Married couples would share wonderful evenings with their partners, and their bond would be strengthened. Students or learners born under the sign of Pisces will discover their creativity and resourcefulness shine through. Plus, you’ll be able to persuade anyone with your soft-spoken qualities. This transit of planets in 2022 appears to be bad in terms of health, so pay attention to your own and your partner’s health. Indigestion and gastrointestinal problems may be bothering you. So consume simple foods and avoid fatty or greasy items.

Aside from that, according to the Venus transit predictions for 2022, your interest in study, occultism, and metaphysics will expand, and you will thrive in these fields. To get the most out of your time, try to avoid having multiple ideas and focus on just one. Shukra Gochar 2022 ensures long-term wealth and earnings for business owners. Your financial condition will remain stable, and you can anticipate a regular flow of income. Because Venus is prominent and in the strongest position in the rising sign, the transit of Venus in 2022 will make you pleased and proud, which could lead to a lot of proposals from the other sex. You will be the centre of attention throughout this period. The transit of planets in 2022 will be good to anyone who wants to take their relationships to the next level.

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