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Leo Ascendant House Lords: Find Out Which Planets are Beneficial!

Leo Ascendant House Lords: Find Out Which Planets are Beneficial!

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Leo ascendants are those people that were born with the Leo zodiac sign in their 1st house at the time of their rising (birth). The Sun is the lord for Leo ascendants since it is the lord of the 1st house for these people. However, the role of other house lords for Leo ascendants in determining luck, health, and fortune cannot be ignored. So, if you’re a Leo ascendant, then this guide has all the answers about your life. 

Dive in to find out which planets are good and bad for Leo’s ascendants!

All House Lords for Leo Ascendants – Which Planets are Benefic? 

The Sun as the lord of the 1st House for Leo Ascendants 

The Sun is the Lagna lord for Leo ascendants and it is extremely beneficial for these people. It gives these people a charismatic personality and an optimistic approach to life. 

  • The Sun in the 1st house for Leo ascendants gives these people the desire to achieve success. These people are mighty brave and hardworking. They earn a lot of name and fame and do a lot of charity that improves their karma. 
  • The Sun in the 7th house for leo ascendants is a financial blessing in disguise for the natives. It makes these people wealthy, powerful, and widely respected. They flourish in business and always emerge victorious against their enemies. However, it is responsible for estranged relationships with spouses. 

Mercury as the lord of the 2nd and 11th Houses for Leo Ascendants 

Usually beneficial by nature, Mercury is malefic for Leo ascendants as the 2nd house and 11th house lord. It makes the natives boastful and they gloat about their achievements in public. 

  1. Mercury in the 2nd house can reduce the lifespan of the natives. These people suffer from stomach disorders, nervousness, and anxiety. However, they do get wealthy but their expenditure is usually more than their earnings. 

  • Mercury in the 7th house for Leo ascendants brings good results. Except that these people are egoistic, they do enjoy great sexual chemistry with their spouses. They are blessed with obedient children and their relationship with their siblings is exemplary. They’re spiritual too. 

Mercury in the 2nd house for Leo ascendants works as a Marak planet. Hence, it’s recommended that these people perform many ceremonies to please the Planet Mercury. 

Venus as the lord of the 3rd and 10th Houses for Leo Ascendants 

Venus has the ownership of the two most feared houses, the 3rd house and the 10th house. Hence, it is extremely malefic for Leo ascendants. These natives tend to be egoistic and dramatic. 

  1. Venus in the 3rd house for Leo ascendants makes the natives extremely selfish. They do not consider the well-being of others as long as they’re making a profit. However, due to its kind nature, Venus does give Leo ascendants the support of their families and a chance at making fortune, name, and fame. 
  2. Venus in the 10th house for Leo ascendants can make the natives rich and ambitious. These people get support from their families and spouses. It also makes Leo ascendants rich and popular.

The 10th house is one of the rare houses where Venus offers good results for Leo ascendants.

Mars as the lord of the 4th and 9th Houses for Leo Ascendants 

Mars has its kind eye on Leo ascendants. It occupies one trine house (the 9th house) and one Kendra house (the 4th house) which is a very lucky combination. Hence, Mars is extremely beneficial for Leo ascendants. 

Mars in the 5th house for Leo ascendants brings all sorts of happiness. It bestows the natives with long life, luck, and wealth. Not only are these people happy and optimistic, but they’re also very powerful and well respected.

Mars mahadasha is extremely beneficial for Leo ascendants. It’s the time when the natives succeed in everything they do.

Jupiter as the lord of the 5th and 8th Houses for Leo Ascendants 

Jupiter, as the lord of the 5th house for Leo ascendants, is extremely beneficial and lucky. But, as the lord of the 8th House, it becomes malefic. Hence, Jupiter in astrology is a neutral planet for Leo ascendants. 

  1. As the 5th house lord, Jupiter brings a stroke of luck. Not only does it make the natives intelligent and creative, but it also brings wealth and fame. The family life of these people is blissful and they’re extremely generous too. 
  2. As the 8th house lord, Jupiter can destroy what it gives and that includes both wealth and reputation. However, being a natural benefic, it does give Leo ascendants a chance to accumulate their broken strength and work harder to regain what they lost. Also, these natives have a long life. 
  3. Jupiter in the 2nd house for Leo ascendants offers mixed results. The natives are usually born in wealthy families. But as they age, their relationship with their fathers turns sour. They lose inheritance but they’re hard-working people. Hence, they earn a lot of money through hard work. They’re blessed with a long life but they do not share a good relationship with their children. 

Jupiter might be neutral for Leo’s ascendants but Jupiter mahadasha is lucky for these people. Leo ascendant students will get a higher education.  

Saturn as the lord of the 6th and 7th Houses for Leo Ascendants 

Saturn is considered to be malefic as the 6th house lord but benefic as the 7th house lord. So, according to Vedic astrology, Saturn is neutral for Leo ascendants. 

The kinds of results Saturn offers for Leo ascendants generally depend upon their karma. The placement of the planet matters too. 

  1. Saturn in the 6th house makes Leo ascendants less and less spiritual. They have a troubled marriage and their life span can be shortened. 
  2. Saturn in the 7th house for Leo ascendants makes the natives successful in their profession. But, their relationship with their spouses and mothers isn’t good. It makes these people selfish and atheists even. 

The Moon as the lord of the 12th House for Leo Ascendants 

The Moon is considered to be neutral for Leo’s ascendants. It governs emotions. Hence, the emotional and mental balance of Leo ascendants depends upon the placement of this planet. 

The Moon as the 12th house Lord for Leo ascendants is more about seclusion and spirituality. The natives have more inclination to meditate and achieve peace and calmness. 

Bear in mind, the dark moon in the 12th house makes Leo ascendants prefer a greater degree of seclusion. It can lead to anxieties instead of peace.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is Leo house lord?

The Sun is the lord of Leo ascendants since it occupies the 1st house of these natives.

2. Is Sun benefic for Leo ascendants?

Yes. Being the Lagna lord for Leo ascendants, the Sun gives a greater degree of success and happiness.

3. What are the effects of the Sun in the 1st house for Leo ascendants?

The Sun in its house in Leo ascendants makes these natives brave. It makes these people ambitious and hardworking. Also, these people are very generous and they constantly do good deeds.

4. What are the effects of the Sun in the 7th house for Leo ascendants?

The Sun in the 7th house for Leo ascendants brings wealth, fame, and power. These natives have a good reputation and they’re widely respected in society. They win over their enemies. However, these people do not have a good relationship with their spouses.

5. Is Jupiter benefic for Leo ascendants?

No, it is neutral for Leo ascendants. The results it offers depend upon its placement.

6. Which mahadasha is good for Leo ascendants?

Jupiter mahadasha and Mars mahadasha are extremely beneficial for Leo ascendants.

7. Which planet is good for Leo ascendants?

The Sun and Mars are the biggest beneficial planets for Leo ascendants. The Sun is their Lagna lord and Mars is the 4th house lord and 9th house lord for Leo ascendants.

8. Who is the lord of the 7th house for Leo ascendants?

Saturn is the 7th house lord for Leo ascendants. It is usually a neutral planet for these people.

9. What are the effects of Saturn in the 7th house for Leo ascendants?

Saturn in the 7th house for Leo ascendants turn their relationship with their mothers and spouses sour. The natives become selfish. However, they do make a lot of money.

10. What are the effects of Jupiter in the 2nd house for Leo ascendants?

The effects of Jupiter in the 2nd house for Leo ascendants are both good and bad. These people are usually born in wealthy families and they have a long life. At the same time, they might lose their inheritance due to their estranged relationship with their fathers.

11. What are the effects of the Moon in the 12th house for Leo ascendants?

The bright moon in the 12th house for Leo ascendants makes the natives spiritual. Dark moon, on the other hand, results in extreme seclusion and anxiety.

12. What are the effects of Mars in the 5th house for Leo ascendants?

Mars in the 5th house is very fortunate for Leo ascendants. It makes the natives happy, healthy, optimistic, powerful, and wealthy. The natives are also blessed with a long healthy life.

13. What are the effects of Mercury in the 7th house for Leo ascendants?

Mercury in the 7th house is lucky for Leo ascendants. It makes these people religious and spiritual. They have a very good relationship with their spouses, siblings, and children.