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Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga: Know its meaning and Benefits

Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga: Know its meaning and Benefits

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It is not easy to understand the astrology that goes behind the actions of benefic and malefic planets that create Graha mahadashas in a particular horoscope. Some of those mahadashas are beneficial while some others give negative results. However, a few mahadashas like neecha bhanga are misunderstood; hence, feared. The entire mystery behind the neecha bhanga raja yoga has been decoded in the guide below. Let’s explore the details to understand what it stands for and how it affects the life of a person.

What is the Meaning of Neecha Bhanga?

Before learning about the effects of neecha bhanga raja yoga, it is important to understand what neecha bhanga is. Neech means the debilitated planet (weak planet) and Bhanga means ‘to dissolve’. When a planet in a horoscope gets weak, naturally, it creates negative effects for the native. However, the better thing about Neecha Bhanga is that it can be cancelled. That’s why it should not be feared.

Neecha Planets and The Horoscopes They Affect

Now that you know what neecha bhanga is, you would want to know what are Neecha Planets and what are horoscopes they affect?

As a crisp answer about the planets, let us clarify that all the 9 planets in astrology can be Neech. However, they affect specific horoscopes only. Just follow through to explore more.

  1. The Sun – It becomes Neech in the horoscope, Libra.
  2. The Moon – It becomes Neech in the horoscope, Scorpio.
  3. Mars – It becomes Neech in the horoscope, Cancer.
  4. Mercury – It becomes Neech in the horoscope, Pisces.
  5. Jupiter – It becomes Neech in the horoscope, Capricorn.
  6. Venus – It becomes Neech in the horoscope, Virgo.
  7. Saturn – It becomes Neech in the horoscope, Aries.
  8. Rahu – It becomes Neech in the horoscope, Pisces.
  9. Ketu – It becomes Neech in the horoscope, Virgo.

What Creates the Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga?

You can compare your horoscope with the planets that we have listed above. It will help you in understanding which planet is creating problems in your life. That said, the bad effects of neecha bhanga can be converted into good effects. And when the neech planets start to give positive results, the Yoga that’s created in the Kundli is known as Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga.

The different requirements, according to Hindu scriptures like Phaladeepika and Uttara Kalamrita, for the creation of Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga are described in the pointers below.

  1. The ruling Lord of the dispositor planet (in case of Aries, Saturn will be the dispositor planet if another planet sits in Aries) and the ruling Lord of the exalted planet (neech planet) should be sitting in mutual Kendra houses from the Lagna Rashi in the birth chart.
  2. The exalted planet and the neech planet should be in conjunction with the affected horoscope.
  3. The neech planet in the D-9 chart should be supported by friendly planets.

All these 3 conditions cancel the malice of Neecha Bhanga and the Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga is created.

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2 Benefits of Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga

It Increases Power and Influence

The cancellation of Neecha Bhanga is one thing, but the formation of Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga is rare. A very rare combination, but when Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga is formed in a birth chart, the native becomes politically very powerful. Don’t believe us? Maybe you would when you find out the name of the natives with Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga in their natal chart.

  1. Ex-US President, Barack Obama.
  2. Indian PM, Narendra Modi.
  3. The British PM, David Cameron.

It Brings Enormous Wealth

The one Raja Yoga that can make the destiny of the native very grand (from rags to riches) is the Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga. Astrologers believe that these people are the best in whatever they do. There’s no one close to their exceptional skills. As a result, these people become very rich even if they started from having no money at all.

The most iconic people who actually fit the description of gaining wealth due to the Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga are as follows.

  1. Superstar, Amitabh Bacchan.
  2. The God of cricket, Sachin Tendulkar.
  3. Once the world’s richest man, Bill Gates.
  4. The billionaire, Ratan Tata.

Facts About the Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga

  1. It is believed that people who have done very good karma in their past lives are the only ones who are rewarded with the Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga.
  2. Neech bhanga Raja Yoga is different from Neecha Bhanga Yoga. The benefits of the former continue lifelong. On the contrary, the benefits of the latter stop at some point in time. That’s why you should get your birth chart read by an astrologer to find the true nature of this Raja Yoga.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does the Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga Really Work?

Yes. Astrologers have examples of successful celebrities to prove that Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga is real.

2. Who are the Famous Celebrities with Neech Bhanga Raja Yoga?

Actor Amitabh Bacchan, PM Narendra Modi, and the Billionaire Bill Gates, all have Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga in their birth charts.

3. Do neech planets (debilitated planets) offer wealth?

If Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga is created, then yes. In fact, dhan (money) yoga is one benefit of the Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga in its true form.

4. In which house is Mars debilitated?

One of the most feared planets, the planet Mars is debilitated in Cancer.

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