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Lucky Gemstone by Date of Birth! Find out What Gemstone is Lucky For You

Lucky Gemstone by Date of Birth! Find out What Gemstone is Lucky For You

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Astrology works in mysterious ways to offer a person relief from all the bondages and sorrows in life. It offers the benefits of yantras, mantras, good luck charms, and whatnot to fulfill the deepest desires of the human heart. One such astro option to calm down malefic planets is wearing a lucky gemstone. Yes, gemstones! Each gemstone has a ruling planet. This guide has, thus, been curated to help you find out the lucky gemstone by date of birth so that you can strengthen the weak planets in your horoscope. Dive in! 

12 Zodiac Signs and Their Lucky Gemstones 

Lucky Gemstone for Aries 

Aries zodiac sign individuals are born between 21st March to 20th April. The ruling planet for these people is Mars. Mars, the planet of war, specifically likes Red Coral. 

So, the lucky gemstone by date of birth for Aries is the Red Coral stone. A red coral ring should be worn on the ring finger of the working hand. 

Lucky Gemstone for Taurus 

The Taurus zodiac sign is ruled by the planet of love, luxury, and peace, Venus. Also known as the Shukra Graha in Hinduism, the planet Venus has a specific liking for high-carat diamond stone.

So, the lucky gemstone by date of birth for Taurus (21st April to 21st May) is a diamond

Remember, a diamond ring should be worn on the middle finger of the right hand by men and the middle finger of the left hand by women. 

Lucky Gemstone for Gemini 

Gemini people are born between 22nd May to 21st June and they’re ruled by none other than the brilliant Mercury. The planet Mercury, known as Budh Graha in Hinduism, is most pleased by Emerald. 

So, the lucky gemstone by date of birth for Gemini-born people is the Emerald. It can be worn on the little finger as well as the ring finger of the working hand. 

Lucky Gemstone for Cancer 

Cancer zodiac sign individuals are born between 22nd June to 22nd July. The ruling planet for cancer is the cool planet, the Moon. Popularly called Chandra Dev in Hinduism, the Moon can be pleased by wearing a Moonstone

Naturally, the lucky gemstone by date of birth for cancer-born people is Moonstone. It should be worn on the little finger of the working hand. 

A Moonstone is particularly very good for marriage because it reduces anger and aggression. Thereby, making a marriage successful

Lucky Gemstone for Leo

People born between 23rd July to 21st August belong to the Leo zodiac sign that is ruled by the planet Sun. The Sun, the source of positive energy in life, has a special liking for the Ruby Gemstone.

So, Ruby is the lucky gemstone by date of birth for the Leo zodiac sign. It is recommended to wear a Ruby ring on the ring finger of the right hand. 

Lucky Gemstone for Virgo 

The date of birth for the Virgo-born individuals is 22nd August to 23rd September. If you’re a Virgo, then Mercury (Budh Graha) is your ruling planet. And you already know that Emerald is the right gemstone for Mercury.

You have to remember that the Moon and Mercury are energy planets. So, if you’re already wearing pearls or a Moonstone, do not ever wear Emerald. 

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Lucky Gemstone for Libra 

The Libra zodiac sign (24th September to 23rd October) is ruled and owned by none other than the planet of pleasure and luxury, Venus (Shukra). And as you know that Venus loves diamonds, so, the lucky stone by date of birth for you is a diamond

Lucky Gemstone for Scorpio 

Scorpio-borns belong to none other than the braveheart planet, Mars. Red coral, as you already know, is the lucky gemstone by date of birth for Mars; hence, it is also the lucky gemstone for Scorpio people, born between 24th October to 22nd November. 

You can also wear Ruby, yellow sapphire, and Moonstone while wearing Red coral

Lucky Gemstone for Sagittarius 

The Guru Graha, planet Jupiter, rules the Sagittarius zodiac sign. Yellow Sapphire is the best gemstone that is known to please the planet Jupiter. Hence, the yellow sapphire is also the lucky gemstone by date of birth for Sagittarius people, born between 23rd November to 22nd December. 

Lucky Gemstone for Capricorn 

Capricorn people are born between 23rd December to 20th January. This zodiac sign is ruled by Shani Maharajah, also known as the planet Saturn. Shani Dev loves Blue Sapphire the most. 

So, Blue Sapphire is the lucky gemstone by date of birth for the Capricorn zodiac sign. It should be worn on the middle finger of the right hand. 

Lucky Gemstone for Aquarius 

Aquarius people are born between 21st January to 19th February, and they’re ruled by Shani, the planet Saturn. And Blue Sapphire is the ring for all zodiac signs ruled by Saturn. 

Lucky Gemstone for Pisces 
The Pisces zodiac sign is ruled by the planet Jupiter. People born between 20th February to 20th March are Pisces. As you already know that yellow sapphire is the gemstone that pleases Jupiter. So, naturally, yellow sapphire is the lucky gemstone for Pisces.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the lucky gemstone for Aries?

Red coral is the lucky gemstone by date of birth for Aries. It should be worn strictly on the ring finger of the working hand by both men and women.

2. Who should wear Emerald Gemstone?

Emerald is the gemstone for Mercury. So, zodiac signs Virgo and Gemini should wear Emerald stone because they are ruled by Mercury.

3. Who can wear the yellow sapphire gemstone?

Yellow sapphire is a lucky gemstone for all zodiac signs that are ruled by the planet Jupiter. It includes Pisces and Sagittarius.

4. Who can wear the Red Coral gemstone?

Red coral can be worn by zodiac signs that are ruled by Mars. It includes Aries and Scorpio.

5. What is the lucky gemstone for Capricorn?

The ruling planet of the Capricorn zodiac sign is Saturn. Since Saturn is most pleased by Blue Sapphire, it is the lucky stone by date of birth for Capricorn-born people.

6. What is the lucky gemstone for Taurus?

Diamond is the lucky gemstone by date of birth for Taurus because Venus rules Taurus and this planet is most pleased by high-quality diamonds.

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